14 October 2014

The un-education of Public Schools.. part 2

Still don't believe me?

The New States Constitution and Education
Let's just take a quick look at the New States Constitution written decades ago by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations and waiting in the wings to replace the 1787 Constitution. The push for a new Constitutional Convention has been exposed several times, not only by this writer, [Link] but by many other knowledgeable sources, including Publius Huldah, [Link] John Birch Society, [Link] Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum, [Link] etc.
The people behind the promotion of a new Convention are mostly the phony right wing, the Goldwater Institute (Compact for America), neo-con Mark Levine, Harvard and Professor Lawrence Lessig, the Tea Party Patriots (bothJenny Beth Martin and former cohort, Mark Meckler), Judge Anthony Napolitano, the American Legislative Exchange Council, and others. [Link]
The New States Constitution is written in an "obverse" style which means "forming a counterpart." As an example, Article I, Section 11, states,"Education shall be provided at public expense for those who meet appropriate test of eligibility." The "obverse" of this statement is just as important as the statement itself and means, "All education shall be at public expense." In other words, all education will be funded by taxpayer dollars, resulting in the federal control of all homeschoolers, religious and private schools. What the government funds, the government controls!
Who is Behind Charters/Vouchers and Choice?
In 1934, the Carnegie Corporation said we are going to use the schools to change the US from a free market system to a planned economy. In a planned economy, as in Communist countries, the administration chooses at an early age what your child will do all throughout their lives. They want your child to decide by 5th grade!
This plan was carried out with the signing of the education agreements byPresident Reagan with the Soviet Union in 1985 and 1988. The Soviet polytech system is being implemented right now with students being tracked into specific training at an early age to suit the needs of the corporate fascist global economy.
Vouchers and education choice originally came from the left and was sold to the right. Now, both the right and left support this shift in emphasis from academics to work force training. This is proven by the fact the elites from both parties, including the globalist, NWO U.S. Chamber of Commerce; the internationalist Aspen Institute, of which UN Agenda 21 Maurice Strong was Director; President Obama, his Secretary of Education Arne Duncan; theHeritage Foundation (whose poster boy is Milton Friedman, originator of vouchers/choice) and all other neo-con Trotskyite groups; AND the globalistCouncil on Foreign Relations (founded in 1921 by the global-minded Rockefellers) support charter schools and vouchers.
The Duplicity of the Heritage Foundation
And from education researcher, Chey Simonton's article on the Rockefeller/Heritage Connection, she states, "The top men of the Heritage Foundation, first Weyrich, then Ed Feulner, and now Jim DeMint, with the trust and cooperation of masses of sincerely committed conservatives, have been in a position to further elitist Rockefeller goals. Along with radical World Government advocate, Walter Hoffman of the World Federalist Association, they participated on the 16 member U.S. Commission on Improving the Effectiveness of the United Nations. Working with the US Information Agency, Feulner also participated in facilitating the infamous 1985 US-Soviet Education Technology and Cultural Exchange Agreement. Soviet pedagogy, based on behavioral conditioning (Skinner and Pavlov training of your children) for a compliant collective labor force, is a dream come true for the dozens of multinational corporations funding all the think tanks promoting American education reform. The humanist Carnegie Foundation, a century-long collaborator with Rockefeller philanthropy, facilitated the Soviet side of this Exchange Agreement."
If you truly want to keep private, religious, and home schooling, you'd better educate your friends and family regarding charters, choice and vouchers.


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