What guides you? 1
(1 Corinthians 5:9- 11)
Paul addresses the roles of true believers in the Church. He reiterates a former message that he had given on relationships with those in the Church who continue to live a loose moral existence!
He points out that we are not to be unbelievers who live in a depraved state of many sins and loose morals values! You can not live in the world without being with people living in these conditions! What Paul meant was not to keep company with such people, who also claim to be a true believer in the church!
Avoid those who indulge in sexual sin, or is greedy, or a swindler, or worships the any of the world's idols, or is a drunkard, or is abusive.
** Don't even eat lunch with such people!
** Don't even eat lunch with such people!
While it is not our job to judge others outside the church in the world!
It is our position to address and deal with members of the True Church who are sinning in those ways.
It is our position to address and deal with members of the True Church who are sinning in those ways.
Remember that it is God alone who judges all such persons!
Seek the Kingdom of God in your life and His Righteousness {Jesus Christ} and all the other things will be added unto you! Matt 6:33
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