27 December 2018

What is on your mind?

There is no good worrying over yesterday - yesterday is gone  - forget it;
 tomorrow hasn't come yet - don't worry. Only today is here - USE it!
 Set yourself certain things you are going to do today. 

By these actions you are sowing the seed of your tomorrow;
so let today's seed be good seed, and tomorrow's fruit will be likewise.
In this new method of thinking—in this new outlook which you are cultivating,
you will discover a brighter outlook on life. Of course you will fail sometimes, but that does not matter. All you do is to forget any failure, then put it behind you and begin all over again. Do what is positive and uplifting!

Do not think "I can't"; wipe out these words from your vocabulary. All you need is practice. Always guard against fatigue for it is the enemy of Thought Control and avoid unhappiness. For when one is tired, dark and undesirable thoughts creep into the mind and they meet with very little resistance. So, when you are tired, take it as a warning from Nature—sleep, rest or a change of occupation is indicated.  CHANGE is the answer!

Always choose to think happy, successful, confident thoughts. As soon as a sad or counter productive thought enters the mind refuse it; switch it over to a confident, constructive thought. Once you choose this thaught patern it will become natural to you, so that all your thoughts will become constructive. 
Remember that as a man (or a woman) thinks, so is he. 

So, if you think thoughts of failure, you will be a failure; think success thoughts and you will be a success.


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