04 October 2019

DEFENDING OUR REPUBLIC - November 3rd, 2020

Though corruption has been a problem in our federal government since the very beginning of our republic. We have never surpassed what we are witnessing today. For the first time in history, we are in the midst of a hard coup.

Beginning during the Obama Administration, along with the help and backing of George Soros. President Obama was able to create an entire dark state that is now in an all-out assault to impeach our president and to overthrow our Republic.

Though I wish I could blame this entirely on the Democratic Party, I would not be correct. The Never Trump movement was founded and lead by the Late Senator John McCain, and Mitt Romney, both of whom have openly shown their disdain toward President Trump. While on the Left, this began with Obama along with Joe Biden, Loretta Lynch, Hilary Clinton, Adam Schiff, and Nancy Pelosi to name of few.

What is most disturbing though is how President Obama used our national intelligence agencies as weapons against the Trump Administration. Ever since the founding of the FBI, we know that J. Edgar Hoover would send agents to dig up everything they could on the new administration, in order to blackmail the seated president.

Since Hoover’s tenure, our Intelligence agencies to some extent have considered themselves as above the law. By being slow or refusing to deliver documentation over to the president is one such method. This is evident especially when it comes to the FBI, who has openly refused to cooperate with the Trump administration.

First, our intelligence services should have never been allowed to gather information intelligence to be used against a sitting administration. If there is proof that improprieties have been committed, the law requires said agency over to the DOJ - department of justice, where they decide on whether the allegations require further investigation. However especially with former CIA director Come is concerned, he took the law into his hands and set forth to take down this president.

Instead of calling this for what it is, Speaker Pelosi has simply renamed the inquiry as to not be forced into holding an open vote for said proceedings to avoid bring the inquiry up for vote.

Since November 9th, 2016, Congress has been completely engrossed in Impeachment only. Over the past three years, I cannot think of any meaningful piece of legislation that has come out of the 115th congress.

The only thing as an informed citizen I have seen is complete opposition to every piece of legislation that has been placed by president Trump before congress. We all know that Congress is not going to agree completely with any administration but when every piece of legislation is shot down or vehemently opposed, one must question the motives of congress.

What is evident is how congress has openly defied our constitution or twisted it around to a point where it has no resemblance to what our forefathers intended. The use of partial truths, quoting one thing from a founding father and yet ignoring what was most important.

These actions of congress are beyond disgusting and I pray that all Americans send a clear message that “We the people” are under control and we will not tolerate the actions of members of “Congress” to act like children. Yes, I placed this in quotations because they are certainly not acting like the congress who are supposed to be looking after our best interests.

One thing I have observed is how everyday citizens be they are republicans or democrats wish to even discuss what is going on in Washington. The Citizens of this great nation are beyond disgusted that I pray we show out in mass on November 3rd, 2020.  Everyone who never supported Trump and those who have assisted in this attempted coup need to be removed from office.

We also demand that the previous administration be held accountable for their actions as well. Given that what took place during the Obama Administration has undermined this current administration. We need to send legislators who have broken the law be sent to jail for extended periods.

If you are as fed up as I am, write to your representative and demand Pelosi to follow the set rules and impeachment proceedings. Both sides should have an equal opportunity to reply to said accusations. This has yet to have been allowed. This is beyond a Kangaroo Court inquiry; it has completely jumped off the rail! Do what is right, show your disdain and get involved.

 The fate of our very republic is in Jeopardy. MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA!


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