30 October 2005

Simply Truth: The real story in Iraq....

Simplytruth: "Many people today have bent the truth so that it fits their ears better...."
This has apparently been a ploy of the Mass media... or the press if you please.... To distort and spread some wrong information, about what is really happening in Iraq the past year or so....

I have always been a friend of the people in our military over the years.... like many in the Military service today; I once joined and did my duty.... It is a real shame to have you do your duty over seas and know that you are making real changes in peoples lives there; then come back to the USA or watch some news story about what a wasted effort it has been...

This is exactly what has happened the past year, I personally have spoken with several of the returned veterans and seen the pictures of happy people in Iraq because of the US & UK military presence there....
What I have never understood is how people who, don't really know the truth about some situation, will come out and make false statements about it!! That is exactly what has happened with the majority of the press coverage about the conflict over there...

If you really want to know the true situation about something ask the people who have been there or the ones who are preforming that task.. Ask someone who has been there and done that... What ever it is!! DUH!!

We have stopped one of the worst Tyrants in recent history, and are getting a beaten down people to come out and embrace the fact; that they can learn to control their future.. We have rebuilt hospitals, schools, { in some cases allowing girls to attend, who would never have seen the inside of a school, just a few years ago} and built roads.... The power plants and other necessary facilities are being restored or built so this county can become independant... That means freedom to development factories, and other places to provide for the people of the region....

BTW There is only one country in the middle east that has such a highly developed economy, and market system in place.... Yes many do not want to hear the truth, but it is Israel... Look it up for your selves... Look at new products, new developments, new papers, university development, ect... and Israel wins hands down.... But that is a story for another time.... { No I am not Jewish; I just report the truth}

Iraq could become the second country to develop and become a free market society.... This will be because of the efforts of our military personnel... Lets give them credit, and praise... Thank you guys & gals, all of you where ever you are.... May GOD bless you and your efforts, beyond measure.... Thank you again!!

This is simply truth that we provide, you have to decide if you want it or some other false hoods presented by the mass media.... At least the blogs offer a forum to get the truth out and to express what is really important... Thanks for reading... Stay tuned for more truthful information.... Fact or fiction you decide!! DUH!!

Read the Truth Barometer, from the Mystery Mentor on www.simplytruth.com...