23 March 2015

More truth like it or not

 Most of us are unsure as to where we will spend Eternity?  


  Mostly because of all the trash which is put out continually by the Great Liar and source of all that is  Evil in this world!  

Yet - Deep in each of our hearts there is a yearning to connect with our Heavenly Father  -  which operates much like a homing beacon telling us to come home...   But the the lure and evil in the world is always putting the sin or opposition to God in our way... 

If you will not harden your heart so that you are blocked from seeking God - then your personal Faith will lead you...   Now some will tell you that this is not true - but if you stop and just observe how this world and the universe functions - then it would become crystal clear folks...  Do not let the show boat stuff of the world and greed grow into seed in your heart...

Stop a moment and feel the Holy Presence which flows thru the universe to fill your heart with the Pure Love of God!  Then you will have a start on your pathway of Peace and Blessings...

An excellent place to start is look at the Book of John in the Holy Bible to help get you into the Word of God!  John was the closet to Christ in His earthly ministry and gives a clear person view of Jesus...
All the Bible is for edification  - just the New Testament can guide you toward a better understanding to start with!

Like John 3:16-17

Then seek:

Matt 6:33 commentary:
(33) Seek ye first the kingdom of God.—The context shows that the words point to the “seeking” of prayer, rather than of act, though the latter meaning is, of course, not excluded. What is thus to be sought is “the kingdom of God” (the change from the less personal “kingdom of heaven” is significant), the higher spiritual life in its completeness, for ourselves and for others; and with it we are to seek “His righteousness,” that which, being perfect beyond the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, must be His gift to us, and therefore to be sought in prayer.

One who seeks for this may well be content to leave all else in his Father’s hands. Even without his asking “they shall be added unto him” in such measure as is best for him.

 Among the few traditional sayings ascribed to our Lord of which we can think as probably an authentic report of His teaching, is one to the same effect quoted by Origen and Clement of Alexandria,
” Ask great things, and little things shall be added to you: ask heavenly things, and earthly things shall be added to you.”

Matt 22:37

 The Greatest Commandment
36 "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?"


 38 "This is the great and foremost commandment.

 39  "The second is like it, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.'…


 Once you come to realize that there is a Loving Lord God who waits for you to seek Him then your worth will climb and you can start to see the Great Eternity waiting for you - beyond everything in this temporary World and earthly existence!

More on this later...    Pray and communicate with your Lord God!