It's get tough or DIE!
I have typed SEVEN periods in between these four words, that separate one from the other....
That is the only way you can separate these four words and be positive that they are separate from each other....
In the Human form there is no way to distinguish one from the other. Their dress code, might be a clue, but it is not a positive distinction, a Burka on a woman, or a Rag wrapped around a mans head denotes nothing except that they may be a Muslim or a person that leans towards the Islamic faith.
Put them in Levi's and a plaid shirt, tells you nothing about who they are, where they came from, and most important, WHAT goes on inside their head!
Are they strong enough to resist the long arm of the terrorist who want you DEAD, or will they capitulate to the Caliphate's demands and chop off your head to save their own????
{Want to bet that most Islamic people are ready and willing follow the religion of the Sharia Law...}
How can we know the strength of a Muslims resistance to the terrorist, are any of them strong enough to stand among their brothers and sisters in the Mosque and tear out from the Koran(Quran), the pages that state more than 114 other verses, that read just like Surah 9:5,
" But When The Sacred Months Are Passed Away, Kill The Idolaters(non-Muslims) Wherever Ye May Find Them; And Take Them, And Besiege Them, And Lie In Wait For Them In Every Place Of Observation!!!"
I doubt we will ever see anyone ripping out the pages and leaving the Mosque alive...
BTW: Did you see or hear of any non-violent Muslims trying to stop the carnage in Paris, or even helping to rescue any of the wounded or killed???
I didn't, if they were in the area they just stood and watched it all go down...
Do we really believe that the seven or eight that took part in this massacre are the only ones that knew it was going to happen and when???
They must have had Mothers and Fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles who had a hint it was going to happen....
Round up all who are acquainted with the dead and the captured(if any), and kick all their asses out of the country, because you are guilty by association, whether or not you knew anything...
It's get tough or DIE!
I have typed SEVEN periods in between these four words, that separate one from the other....
That is the only way you can separate these four words and be positive that they are separate from each other....
In the Human form there is no way to distinguish one from the other. Their dress code, might be a clue, but it is not a positive distinction, a Burka on a woman, or a Rag wrapped around a mans head denotes nothing except that they may be a Muslim or a person that leans towards the Islamic faith.
Put them in Levi's and a plaid shirt, tells you nothing about who they are, where they came from, and most important, WHAT goes on inside their head!
Are they strong enough to resist the long arm of the terrorist who want you DEAD, or will they capitulate to the Caliphate's demands and chop off your head to save their own????
{Want to bet that most Islamic people are ready and willing follow the religion of the Sharia Law...}
How can we know the strength of a Muslims resistance to the terrorist, are any of them strong enough to stand among their brothers and sisters in the Mosque and tear out from the Koran(Quran), the pages that state more than 114 other verses, that read just like Surah 9:5,
" But When The Sacred Months Are Passed Away, Kill The Idolaters(non-Muslims) Wherever Ye May Find Them; And Take Them, And Besiege Them, And Lie In Wait For Them In Every Place Of Observation!!!"
I doubt we will ever see anyone ripping out the pages and leaving the Mosque alive...
BTW: Did you see or hear of any non-violent Muslims trying to stop the carnage in Paris, or even helping to rescue any of the wounded or killed???
I didn't, if they were in the area they just stood and watched it all go down...
Do we really believe that the seven or eight that took part in this massacre are the only ones that knew it was going to happen and when???
They must have had Mothers and Fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles who had a hint it was going to happen....
Round up all who are acquainted with the dead and the captured(if any), and kick all their asses out of the country, because you are guilty by association, whether or not you knew anything...
It's get tough or DIE!
Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers uploaded a new video.