25 September 2014


There are times in our lives that we should learn to observe - Selah {Hebrew} something like "stop and listen." Selah can also be used to indicate that there is to be a musical interlude at that point in the Psalm (song).
The Amplified Bible translates selah as "pause, and think of that." It can also be interpreted as a form of underlining in preparation for the next paragraph.
"To the choir-master" include the word selah. Selah notes a break in the song and as such is similar in purpose to Amen in that it stresses the importance of the preceding passage. Alternatively, selah may mean "forever," as it does in some places in the liturgy
Like in Psalm 46:10
“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). God’s people are commanded to “be still” in this verse. The imperative gives a solemn duty to those in a covenant relationship with God—Israel in the Old Testament, but today, it is given to Christians (cf. Galatians 3:26-29).
What does it mean when God’s own are commanded to “be still”? The injunction is not given to restrict the mobility of God’s people. The duty represents a spiritual disposition that ought to characterize those to whom God’s unfailing promises have been given.
The word translated “be still” comes from the Hebrew term raphah. This word is found in various forms in the Old Testament, with different shades of meaning. It refers to that which is slack, or to let drop, or in some instances, to be disheartened or weak. When used of a person (as opposed to some inanimate object) it often has a negative connotation.
Interestingly, “be weak” is here commanded. In other contexts, those who let their hands “drop” from work are condemned. Those who are disheartened are commanded to take courage. In contexts where “being still” is condemned, we find that certain obligations were being neglected, and God’s people were admonished to take initiative to fulfill their duties.
Sadly, there are those who are far from “still”; they “do all the work” and give God none of the credit. They believe that by “lifting up their hands” and by “taking courage,” they can survive and thrive by the sweat of their own brow. They can do it all on their own, without any divine dependence.
Here is the irony in this term “be still.” While we must take the initiative to fulfill our responsibilities and live our lives, the uncertainties of living in a world of sin and woe will continually challenge us. Personal initiative is no substitute for reliance upon God (cf. James 4:13-17).
This command—“be still”—forces us to think on two things: that we are finite, and that God is infinite. That being the case, we need to drop our hands, go limp, relax, and “chill out.” Christian people ought to “come, behold the works of Jehovah,” (v. 8) that we may enjoy a calm confidence in him who gave us his Son.
“Shall he not also with him freely give us all things?” Paul reasoned (Romans 8:32). Psalm 46:10 encourages us to reflect on what God can do in the face of what we are unable to do.

Does God Exist?

If you do not have any compassion then you will be lead astray...

This is a perfect example of the truth..    Excellent Just like God never invented or made cancer; there is none in heaven...
So where would He get it - it is a result of evil from the Devil! Like most all the ills and disease in the world they are the result of evil placed upon mankind through sin..
Sin does not exist in Heaven - Because God did not invent or create sin; 
Therefore God can not stand or tolerate sin in any form! It is the result and choice of the being them-self. Thus it is the result of people living against the Will of God in their lives...

Once you get this straight in your mind by accepting the Gospel of Christ - you will never willing go back to such a life! Thank God you have a chance to change your destiny as to where you will spend Eternity!
BTW: before you get all up in arms against this truth; it is best that you remember one day you will have a personal face to face " Come to Jesus meeting " - at which I do not believe you will be able to explain away you transgressions against either God or fellow humans...
** Come to accept the free Salvation through the Belief in Christ and have your sins forgiven when you come to forgive those whom you have wronged!
Just pray - " Dear Lord Jesus I accept your Blessed hope and want you as my Savior! Forgive me my sins as I forgive those whom I have sinned against " { or something like this prayer} Amen!