Wake up Folks!
When are you going to start paying attention?
Most people need to wake up and see what is happening around them that will change their life forever; ready or not! There are certain groups who have plans for you that you do not want or even understand... They are ready to carry out this master plan now! Your wishes or desires are not up for consideration!
Date: 12/22/2009 20:01:49 GMT
Here is some disturbing news even if you are not aware of it!
Many people plan to control your life; beyond anything that you may think has happened so far to date!
Take time to check out this grand plan of distruction of the United States and most of the Western World!
Read the following article and weep for our way of life, then follow the old English adage;
" You had best Pray often and keep your power dry!"
Today, the threat posed by these domestic terrorists is more severe than initially reported. Now more than ever is time to be very concerned. The operational tempo of Jamaat ul Fuqra is on the rise, and people need to be updated of this growing threat.
Since 2006, the changes to Jamaat ul Fuqra have been both obvious and subtle, the latter posing the greatest threat to our safety. This initial article will address some important changes since our initial report, with additional reports to follow.
One thing must be understood. The individuals involved in this terrorist group are determined, dangerous, deadly deceptive, and of course, deadly. They are fiercely loyal to Sheik Gilani who has gained significant influence in Pakistan due to events in that country over the last few years. Gilani’s reach and influence with his U.S. followers has risen since 2006. His abilities have increased and have been emboldened by our domestic policies on Islamic terrorism. Communications between Gilani and his U.S. followers have sharply risen over the last few years, increasing the cohesion among his “disciples.” That cohesion and increased communication has manifested itself in a number of areas, including the following:
Recruitment into Jamaat ul Fuara has risen significantly since 2006, primarily from the U.S. prison systems. A combination of a virtually unsupervised Islamic religious recruitment program within the prison system, failure to verify the written materials religious provided to inmates by Muslim chaplains who have not been properly vetted, and current economic conditions are attributable to this rise. Although any exact numbers are difficult to obtain, the best estimate base on statistics from the Federal Bureau of Prisons and other government agencies indicate a 20-30 percent increase in membership over the last four years. Such numbers would suggest that membership levels are at their highest point since the group’s inception in the early 1980’s.
Funding of Jamaat ul Fuqra is directly proportional to its membership. As membership rises, so do the contributions that are made directly to terror kingpin Gilani through a complex monetary transfer system. This system is comprised of a system of shell companies and charities. According to classified federal reports seen by this investigator, funds received in Pakistan are handled by Gilani and his closest associates to fund terror operations, pay off members of Pakistan’s ISI, and even distributed to other Islamic terror groups that include al Qaeda, HAMAS and Hezbollah.
Additionally, the acceptance of Jamaat ul Fuqra’s front groups, specifically the Muslims of the Americas and the IOQU as legitimate religious entities by political and government officials on state and federal levels have favorably contributed to their recruitment. Perhaps the most obvious example of this manifested itself in Binghamton, NY, where city officials not only permitted, but advocated a parade of Jamaat ul Fuqra members as a symbolic gesture of Interfaith tolerance and understanding. It is no coincidence that the point of contact for that event was Tarik Abdelazim, executive assistant to the Mayor of Binghamton. That dovetails into the next issue, which is a dramatic upsurge of Jamaat ul Fuqra members and its direct supporters into various positions of influence, power, and strategic importance.
Noted in the Fox News report from 2006, members of Jamaat ul Fuqra were observed wearing uniforms of the New York and New Jersey Port Authority. The simple reason is that Jamaat ul Fuqra members ARE employed in such sensitive infrastructure positions. More alarming is that employment by men and women who have sworn their allegiance to a Pakistani terrorist into such vital sections of our infrastructure is growing rapidly. Our investigation has found that the some women members of Jamaat ul Fuqra are working as school bus drivers, computer operations at credit card data centers, and public utilities. Male members continue to work within the Port Authority and have gained access to government positions.
Perhaps most alarming of all is that since 2006, Jamaat ul Fuqra members have stepped up their paramilitary training, weapons purchasing and stockpiling, and tactical training in urban warfare. In the case of Islamberg, they have moved a large portion of their training to other facilities, and have actually utilized other “legitimate” Islamic centers within New York and elsewhere to hold their training. Done as a result of the attention drawn to the compound and to disprove the allegations made in our 2006 report, Gilani instructed members of Islamberg to “clean up” the operations there so that the report of paramilitary training would be effectively refuted by our very own media.
One example of this can easily be cited by the elementary school bus used for paramilitary training. Prior to 2006, the bus was clearly filled with bullet holes and its windows were blown out by what appeared to be the use of explosives inside the bus. As the media and others descended on the compound to see for themselves the evidence cited in our report, the school bus documented by film was no longer present in the condition described. An exception to this can be found in the excellent Fox News report that was broadcast within days of our initial report. Today, few indications of such training remain to a cursory inspection.
Currently, Jamaat ul Fuqra members are conducting paramilitary training in other areas, including more remote mountainous locations within our national forests. It may also surprise some that similar paramilitary training is taking place at urban locations, including mosques and Islamic centers in New York City and upstate New York. Such training is often disguised by seemingly benign description as personal defense classes that are needed, of course, due to the anticipated backlash against Muslims because of incidents like the Fort Hood massacre.
Our investigation has found that the frequency of such exercises is on the rise, as is the number of those participating. According to one member of Jamaat ul Fuqra participating in a paramilitary exercise at an Islamic center in New York, “we are getting ready…the Day of Atonement is close at hand.”
Important Fox News Video HERE