09 April 2010


One of the things I learned part II by kerminator .....

WHile we walk in this life; we must be able to discern what is important and who we really are... If we fail at this our Eternity will not be anything like we would desire, based upon our choices here on this earth!

Date: 3/2/2010 12:55:10 PM ( 38 d ago)

{This post is a follow up of an original post from Dec' 08 the addition follows the primary posted!}

One of the things I learned! by kerminator .....

Why do so many people feel that everything in their life is lost?

Date: 12/21/2008 11:56:01 GMT

Traveling on my pathway of life; I have come to realize many things... Some are just part of our everyday personal existence while others are part of the great Eternity to come! what we all need to know and unitize is the difference between the things of the here and now from those of eternal existence...

This is not meant to be a rambling on of your present conditions rather it is a wake up call; to your eternal life!!

Many people in conflict today commonly have false beliefs about themselves. They do not know or realize their worth or personal identity! This is true for most of the world. Even those who have accepted some religious beliefs or teachings.

Many feel unloved, rejected and generally worthless! Which is one of the great lies of the Deceiver, Satan! Discouragement is one of the key tools of the Demonic presents on the world today...

Great numbers of people tend to feel that they have a mental breakdown and are filled with anxiety. They have tried many things to improve their self-image, but with out any success! Here is where we will look at some ways to help you find an answer!

Even those people who have made a personal confession to accept GOD into their life, find many road blocks... It comes down to the fact; that it is necessary to discern wither the problems encountered are physical or spiritual in nature! Most of the issues are looked at as if they are physical by most of the modern medical field. Yet many conflicts in people's lives are not physical and when treated as such this only drives them into further depression and grief! Usually the physical treatments do not really relieve or overcome any of the actual problems, very quickly... This is where spiritual intervention is needed!

Thus it is very important to discern the root cause of the conflicts. Yet even when people come to realize that the conflict or obstruction is spiritual they do not know how to resolve the issues... Outside counseling is needed in most cases...

There are several places to find sound spiritual counseling:

Some include:





** Then we continue this chain of thought read and analyze your position in life now!!

We can and have all fallen into one or more of the following set of "God Substitutes."

Each with it's particular type of brokenness or personal damage which follows!

Let us discern some of the ways of grief and pain we inflict on ourselves; with out God in our life!

If you center your life and personal identity on any of the following you will reap certain results:

If you worship & center your personal identity on:

1) certain religion practices or a set of Morality Rules; you will be attempting to live up to your chosen moral standards... Then you will eventually become proud, self-righteous and even overly critical of others... Then if you do not live up to your self imposed standards, your guilt will be utterly devastating! This is where many of today's people find themselves on the edge of depression and grief!

2) wealth, money, and possessions, you will soon become obsessed by worry or jealousy about your possessions... You will even begin to do unethical things in order to maintain your life style, which may well blow up in your face someday! Plus the money does not make you happy, it only drains your seal to live for others!

3) your career or employment, you will eventually become a workaholic, driven to be boring and shallow... Then if your career fails you will develop deep depression!

4) some so called " Nobel cause," you will tend to divide the world into "good" and "bad" zones, which will demoralize your opponents... Ironically you will become controlled by your obsessions and views of the "enemy." Without which you can not exist! It becomes a self defeating cycle!

5) your family, and/or children you will tend to live your life through your children until they come to resent you... At the worst you will consider them to be non persons on their own, and may even abuse them! This is another tool of the Devil, which is control and domination!

6) a life of pleasure seeking and comforts, you will become addicted to many things which will chain you to them in an attempt to avoid the difficulties of life! This is a cycle of false hope; where many of the people of the world find themselves today!

7) other people or organizations, you will become emotionally dependent, jealous or even controlling... Then as problems develop you will tend to be over whelmed! This is a form of the ultimate defeatism of self... This is where many who rush into Hell have built their plans and purposes!

These are a few of the common "God-Substitutes" that can being damage and grief to one's life!

What is lacking in your life? How can you become the person God wants you to be?

Take time to go over this discussion and see your short comings, then you should be able and willing to seek God's real purpose in your life!

If not then you are truly lost!