19 September 2014

Every cell in our body requires Iodine to be healthy

 Back in our grand parents days, fields were left fallow, that meant that a field would be left to remineralise so that crops wouldn't exhaust the ground by drawing up too many nutrients. This was called crop rotation. To day crops are grown on the same soil year in year out.

 The common potato is an easy addition to most meals and is one of the richest sources of Iodine in the vegetable kingdom. Leave the skin on and one medium-sized baked potato holds 60/mcg of iodine. But most potatoes are massed produced and contain hardly any iodine. Because of the low fat scare a lot of people have cut back on milk and yogurt, While strawberries, cranberries and seafood are very expensive and full of contaminants. The eggs which are a good source, have been promoted as cholesterol raisers, and only good sources would be of benefit. Brown bread at one time also contained iodine but now it has been removed. 

So it looks like deliberate negligence on behalf of the food industry & medical industry to produce sickly nations who in turn boost the bank accounts of Big Pharm Systems .... 


Fear of using salt on medical advice, especially those with hypertension.
Less than 50% of households in United States use iodized salt.
Radioactive Iodine used in diagnostic testing exacerbated an iodine-deficient state.
Exposures to chemicals and toxins. Goitrogen is a substance that decreases iodine uptake as well as inhibits iodine from
binding where it is needed. They include:
• Chlorine in pools, cleaning products, water supply, steam from dishwasher, sucrolose (Splenda).
• Fluoride in water supply, toothpaste, dental treatments, mouthwash.
• Bromide in some soft drinks (Mountain Dew & some Gatorades), baked goods (they used to contain iodine but it was
replaced with bromide in the 1970’s), pesticides, hot tubs, fumigant of produce, and some medications
• Declining mineral levels due to soil erosion and poor farming techniques.
• Failure to eat sufficient iodine-containing foods.
• A combination of any or all of these.

Every cell in our body requires Iodine to be healthy, especially the thyroid, breasts, ovaries, uterus brain & prostate. We live in a sea of Halide Chemicals that displace iodine in the cells of our body. Halide chemicals include Bromide found in foods, Fluoride in water and Chlorine in crop insecticides.
See Iodine & the Halogen Robbers:

We need a LOT of iodine on a daily basis to offset the halide toxins that are bombarding us each day. Dr. Brownstein suggests 50mg Lugols or Iodoral iodine with required supplements.


Required Supplements:
- - ½ tsp Natural Celtic Salt, Himalayan Pink Salt, Redmonds Salt or Hawaiin black salt
- - - If the Sea Salt is pure white, it is unacceptable (minerals have been stripped out )
- - 200 mcg selenium (L-selenomethionine preferred)
- - 400 mg Magnesium - Glycinate preferred
- - 2,000mg Vitamin C - Sodium Ascorbate (easier on stomach) or Ascorbic Acid
- - ATP Cofactors caplet contains both 100mg B2 & 500mg B3 non-flushing in the correct ratio. Take 1 caplet with iodine up to 50mg, then another caplet for each 50 mg iodine,

See Iodine References for more:

Master Index to Iodine Resources


from :


"MINERAL ASSIMILATION is affected by pH. Minerals have
different pH levels at which they can be assimilated
into the body. Minerals on the lower end of the atomic
scale can be assimilated in a wider pH range, and
minerals higher up on the scale require a narrower and
narrower pH range in order to be assimilated by the
body. For example….

Sodium and magnesium have wide pH assimilation ranges.

It narrows somewhat for calcium and potassium.
Narrows more for manganese and iron.
More for zinc and copper.
More for iodine.
Iodine, which is high up on the atomic scale, requires
near perfect pH for its assimilation into the body.

Iodine you may know, is one of the most important
minerals for proper functioning of the THYROID. But,
the thyroid doesn't get access to Iodine unless the
body pH is near perfect. "

Get out of the boat - Part 1

 If you want to walk on water; you will have to get out of the boat! 

 Most of our lives are spent thinking, dreaming or in our imaginations...  Which is fine but in order to perform many of the things for the purpose in your life - there is a requirement that you take some positive action...

What type stance you take and the belief in your soul; will go far to ensure your success...  Once you stop an make conscience effort by having already decided whom you follow and what you believe and therefore what actions you have prepared to make or not!

If you have decided not to get involved in much of the crap in the world; then you will not get caught up in most of the evil schemes of the Devil ...  Once you decide to not take Dope, or Get Drunk, or chase porn, or gamble, or engage in  improper sexual actives...    By choosing this preplanned path you will not be burdened with confusion or doubt  when confronted by these various sinful destructive actions...

Once you get your mind made up then there is nothing difficult about doing the right thing...   So just get your mind singled out to follow the Will of God through the Gospel! 
  New Living Translation  Matt 6:33
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

This is where you can excel and become the true person who God made you to be - which is a blessed soul both here and in the eternity that follows...

The key is if you really want to walk on water then first you must have Faith and then be willing to step out of the boat!     Amen...