02 April 2006

Boot print in the sand...

A Boot print in the sand....
This is my boot print in the sand, along the Sweetwater creek in North Georgia...
Where ever we venture in this life we all leave evidence of our passing... All Life is but one intertwining trail... When we are born; we start out alone on the beginning end of our pathway, and for a brief few moments we are the most recent one to travel this way... Everyone born and living is a head of us....
Then more people younger come in behind us, soon we are in the midst of a great caravan of souls.... But as time moves on most of those in front of us disappear, as they leave the trail, in death...
If we live long enough; we will one day be near the front of this great pathway... All who are younger are behind us and any who are older are still ahead of us, for a while.... The sum of life is about we did along this trail... Who and how we interacted with those we met on life's pathway...
This is is what the boot print in the sand represents.... Our passing this way!! We all leave some foot prints in the sands of time.... Such is life, friend, so live it true and tall....

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