Is the Fair Tax fair?
Now is the time for all concerned people to come to the aid of their country!!
There is always a better idea... This is one of the best I have seen in a long time... Read it and see if you do not agree!!
The better the US tax situation; the better the world will be... Since the US is the major power house in the world, the better the US economy goes the better the world will follow...
fact you may notice that when the US markets go down; the rest of the world follow!! So when the US markets, and economy are solid and stable the rest of the world has a better pathway for their markets...
This is not iron clad, but it covers most of the over all world economy... You can do your home work and check out the world and US markets over the past fifty years or so... Because once the US has it financial house in order; the rest of the world markets can boom...
BTW; It would be great for every government in the world would adopt and implement a version of the Fair Tax in their country... This would be the best of all situations!!
Well we can always Hope!!