11 April 2006

Who are you??

Kermit April 2006 Posted by Picasa

We are all part of the whole of mankind..

What defines each of us is our core beliefs... These are who we really are!! But what exactly makes up our core beliefs??

First and foremost is our basic beliefs... What are they?? Well if we were raised by people, who understood that life is more about what you put into it , rather just making you happy... Then you will have a head start on most of the rest of us... Therefore a good up bringing will be a great advantage for the rest of your life... But even missing this you can still learn and become a better person!!

Next would be the values you have learned and stored in your heart!! These the core values that form the heart of your soul... They include your understanding of who you really are, and form the elements that make up your charater...

Character what is that anyway?? Well we have all heard the term thru out life... It comes down to the principle of how we act... We all have a reputation; which is what others think of us, based on observed behavior.... This can be good or otherwise.... But the real test of who we are is our character; that is who we are and how we act when there is absolutely no one else around...

It is the shaping of our character that makes the man or woman we are!! If you were stranded in a wilderness some where would you:

1) Leave a mess or litter, with out regard what so ever??

2) Be crude, gross and nasty, in regard to your body functions??

3) Destroy, maimed and otherwise damage things about you??

4) Act in a wild and reckless manner??

5) Spend all your time just pursuing idle wasted tasks??

Or would you:

-Not be abusive and use only the things you actually needed??

-Be constructive not destructive??

-Live a near zero impact existence as possible??

-Be clean and as sanitary as possible??

This all comes back to who we really are?? Do you act in a civil manner, with respect toward all those around you?? Yes, I do agree that this while is not always possible; we should always try to be civil to our fellow man... Remember Who you Are!!

Then one of the key points in everyone's life is to try to be positive in your attitude with and for others!!

We must all learn that life is more than just seeking pleasure and having fun all the time!! It requires balance and dedication of effort, to achieve success...

We must all learn how to live with others... I agree that some others do make life difficult and at times very hard... We must learn damage control... That is ways to limit the damage that these type people inflict on us... I will cover this realm of thought on an other blog...

So it comes down to analyze your life, dear friend.... In the end it is based totally on the decision you make.... That is either to do GOOD or EVIL in your life.... That is the whole thing in the nutshell so to speak... HUH!!

That is who you really are!! Not perfect, but you can forgive others, you meet on your road of life... Then you can be forgiven... Great idea try it some time....

So remember; be nice, we may just meet .... I am almost as nice as I look... :-) I am better off than I deserve to be...

See ya.... Kator