22 February 2011


This is a reply to Patriot Update News; read and see what you think... It looks right on!


Raymond says:

The longer we allow Progressives/Liberals/Socialists to run our country, the deeper we collapse into Marxism, which is Mr. Obama’s background.

Check it out for yourself. I propose that our congressional positions be only two-year terms, with the right to re-election solely for one more two-year term; after that, the same candidate can never run for the same position again, no matter how great of a job he or she did in that office. I also urge each and every American to prevent sitting presidents from using American taxpaying dollars to support their campaigning for their party members, as well as for themselves when it is their turn to run for presidential re-election. The president’s party should campaign for him or her—not the president, himself or herself, who should be working for us taxpayers and not burning our money while campaigning via the use of Air Force One, the employment of secret service agents, the cost of the president’s entourage’s stay at posh hotels, and the gorging at five-star restaurants.

Let’s also limit the presidency to three years instead of four with the same rule: They can run for re-election after their first three-year term ends, but then they cannot ever run again for the office of president. We need to stop the cronyism, the pay-offs behind closed doors arrangements, the endless monies funneled to colleagues through deals with lobbyists, corporations, political organizations, such as the former ACORN and whatever its successor may be, and other entities, including foreign funding.

No president, or any other government employee or candidate running for office, should be allowed to ever accept financial support from another country. I urge Americans to stop paying retired congress critters exorbitant retirement benefits and perks, and to force them to enroll in the same Obamacare they are thrusting on us. If Obama’s healthcare program is supposedly good enough for us, then it also should be true for them. Moreover, we need to end congressional and presidential servants’ lifelong financial comfort, endless secret service coverage for family members, and disproportionately excessive benefits once they are done serving…period!

We also need to tell our lawmakers to stop giving our money away to big business, as they did in the so-called bailout (fraudulence and lies) of AIG, Goldman-Sachs, the banks, and auto industries. Those bailouts were arranged by the recipients and various members of Obama’s Cabinet and our Senate and House—all to bilk middle-class and low income Americans out of more money. What a ploy that was! Suddenly our country was bankrupt (conveniently followed by other nations), succeeded by the banks, the financial brokers, and the auto manufactures. What’s next?