05 December 2005

Knowledge Management

We can start by looking at one of your key assets which is knowledge... Quote by President James Madison... "A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it; is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps both.... Knowledge will forever govern ignorance and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the powers which knowledge gives..." DUH!!

Therefore we as a people, or you as an individual, or companies doing business, must learn the need to to manage their knowledge if it is to serve them in any fashion... Remember too much is just as bad as not enough... The whole key is to be selective and pare down the mass of data and fact to that which is really needed!! DUH!!
Managing knowledge bases is the key to displaying intelligent capital..

To effectively manage the knowledge base it is imperative to know the sources.. Who, what and where is your data and or knowledge base located?? These can be in the form of engineering files, customer data, supply and inventory sheets, or it is located with your employees... All of these are knowledge Bases which require knowledge management if they are to be used effectively and well....

Traditional knowledge base is printed material, which is liner; while the the INTERNET is web like thus interconnected and offers vast areas of sharing... This is why we are on this Blog... Once you set up your search parameters there should be a minimum amount of time to search and obtain the sources for the knowledge base you seek... It is imperative that you verify all your sources to ensure both positive results and absolute truth in the information that you use... DUH!!

Most individuals seem to need the information on a just in time mode: This requires a better system of data managment... You must have the knowledge base sorted, and available... Most companies and individuals do not participate directly in the documents {Data Management} or the direct application {Knowledge Management} areas, unfortunately .... They do not seem to realize the values of having to management these systems enough to invest... Therefore the Data Management which are one of the most important knowledge silos, must be integrated into the corporate or individual knowledge infrastructure... So that this can be used as needed by most as a complete Knowledge Base...

There are many paths which can be used to gain access to the knowledge base... Some include; a help desk, subcommittee meetings, employee evaluations and brain storming sessions... The goal is to set up a Knowledge Base warehouse, which would be the core of the Knowledge Base syatem... This allows input from the more frequent contributors, which would have to work thru the knowledge base silos... This would eliminate the need to setup and maintain complex software for the applications silos... Thus the knowledge bases would tend to stay up to date and relevant to the needs of the company or individuals...

For more thoughts and information on this system reply or email... weknozit@simplytruth.com