How much time do you leave for God?
Much of our time is spent upon what most call daily tasks...
Much of these are a necessary part of your life, but not to the point where it should require 100% of your time. It behooves us to try to place priorities on when and what we do. While you will not always be able to have a complete control over your time and efforts; with some form of thought and planning it will be possible to direct parts of your life!
You should learn what is most beneficial and helpful to your career or position. Often people think that such is only necessary and needed for some outside job or employment. Yet this is not true as every dedicated and purposeful position or station in life has merit and generally need! The key is to find those actives or jobs which are in fact either supportive of or a direct application to some purposeful need in life.
Here is where many lose their chain of concentration or else become lost in meamingless actives... Sad as this may seem, it occurs on a very regular terms in many lives... If you find that you are going in an ever widening circles or just become bogged down in trivia or details; it is time for change! But change just for change shake is not what you want, it should be change which allows you to expand your horizons... This should be a upward or positive progressive movement!
Your thoughts will determine most of what you become in the future. So it is advantageous to seek the best things to feed our souls (mind - emotions). If you think on pure and lovely things; then your actions will grow pure and lovely like them but the converse is also true!
Actually there is a battlefield in your mind; so it imparitive that you learn how to control and win the best outcome... Your thoughts are the determining factors which will mold you as it conforms your actions... Control your thoughts and you will control the direction of your life both here and into the Eternity which follows!
Whether you speak of, or speak to God, whether you will act or suffer for Him. This should be in all of the prayers which you offer. This is true when you have no other object than His Love {which is open to any who seek or ask} and the desire of pleasing Him!
Therefore whatever things are: - true,
- Nobel
- just
- pure
- lovely
- of good report,
or if there is any virture or anything praiseworthy - Think & meditate on these! - Phil 4:8 NKJB
This is some of the best advice you can hear and use on your pathway of life!