09 June 2014

Get a Spiritual Mind Set ...

 Getting a Spiritual mind set - Part 4
** We only need to seek the Absolute Truth of Almighty God through personal prayer to set our course straight toward the Kingdom of God! **
Date:   6/9/2014 6:05:44 

This is part of a reply to why there is so much disunity in the religions and church today!


Well, first religion(s) is just the attempt of mankind to connect or understand a higher power! So there are and have been many different religions - but only one way to God!

Since it was God who created us and gave us the wonderful free agency so that we could learn and express our choices - it behooves us to seek His perfect will!
Yet most of those who have existed upon the earth have failed to do so! This is because once Adam and Eve gave or allowed Satan to take control of and become the Master of the world - humans became deprived and lost!


With much prayer and supplication; I have posted on how humans got talked {duped} out of Paradise which is where and when the trouble began!
This started mankind upon the current wondering lost path where we {you} must seek God in your life! The Holy Bible is just a road map to help guide us back to a Holy unlon with our Heavenly Father!

BTW: The disunity in the Christian churches is the result of lack of proper knowledge and understanding on how Almighty God's Kingdom works... Most of the problem is the failure to communicate! He allows us (you) a free choice - use it wisely! Pray often for guidance!

It is funny how people will call 911, or go no line, or ask a friend, or go to a Library, or other place to seek knowledge - but fail to pray (a instant free always available choice)...
Why not use it folks?