26 February 2013

Ethical & Moral Turpitude

What is it and where do you find it??? This will be an on going discussion as to the meaning and application of turpitude, in our lives today... Please stay tuned and we will search and learn the application of this work and how it applies in our life today....
Definition of turpitude: 1) shameful depravity. 2) a depraved or shameful act...

We should guard our selves as well as friends and family from any action that would even suggest that we would engage in such conduct... This one of the major cracks in a persons life; which if not corrected and changed once it is brought to light will lead one down the road of destruction... For this is the path of many a poor soul... Search and cast any such turpitude from your life... repent and make amend to any you have offended... This is a major key to living a successful and full life ...

Always seek the best, and leave the rest....

Boot print in the sand....

This is my boot print in the sand, along the creek...

Where ever we venture in this life we all leave evidence of our passing... Life is on intertwining trail... We start out alone on the beginning end of our pathway, and for for a few moments we are the most recent one to travel this way...

More people younger come in behind us, soon we are in the midst of a great caravan.... But as time goes on those in front of us disappear as they leave the trail, in death... If we live long enough; we will one day be at the front of this great pathway... All who are younger are behind us and any who are older are still ahead of us, for a while....

The sum of life is about we did along this trail... Who and how we interacted with those we met on the pathway of life... This is you life's story... So Make the rest of your life the best you passably can, because you are leaving boot prints in the sand....

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Small potatoes?

Debt is dumb


Debt is Dumb!

This is a great overview of the present money mess in the USA...

This from the Dave Ramsey .com website... Make it a must read each month to help balance your life...

Over the past month, we’ve witnessed the largest bankruptcy in history, the stock market dropping like a rock, and the talking heads on TV freaking out that the world is coming to an end. I’m here to tell you the truth—we’re going to make it. We’re going to be fine. Take a chill pill.

This month I’ve compiled some of the most-asked questions I’ve gotten recently from you:

Are we okay, Dave?

Definitely. Remember Enron and WorldCom in the recent years? We survived that. But much worse than all this was the financial crisis of the ‘80s – S&L collapse and 1,000 bank failures in 2 years. We’re nowhere near this type of thing; that was probably 50 to 100 times worse than all of this.

What does all of this come back to?

Greedy banks financing homes to broke people. It all seemed to work okay in their minds when the economy was booming, but when the economy slowed a little bit broke people quit paying on their subprime mortgages. DUH. No wonder they went out of business. Stupid decisions.

Is there anything we can do to fix this bailout mess?

YES! Here's a quick summary: Companies that had billions in subprime loans were feeling the effects of their stupid decision to make those loans in the first place, and practically gave them away for pennies on the dollar. But since no one wants these loans, and they've had to mark them down to market value, it has frozen the market. If we temporarily change the rule that forces companies to do that, that will free the market up.

This is an absolutely huge deal, and it involves everyone getting in touch with their congressperson before we spend hundreds of billions of dollars that we don't need to! Learn more

Will the collapse of businesses and banks affect me?

No, not unless you work there. Thousands of stock brokers on Wall Street have lost their jobs in the past few weeks, but that happens in other industries across the country in good and bad times. This time it just happened in NYC where all the national news media is so they made a big deal of it.

If I have 401(k) money in a Merrill Lynch or AIG trading account, should I move the money elsewhere?

No. Your money isn’t with them; your 401(k) money is in the stocks. These big companies are just managers (unless you directly own stock in their company). The only thing that may be an issue is if they crash later, you may have some customer service issues, but your money is still safe. This is a good reminder to not have all of your money in one stock—that’s stupid. Always spread out your money in various growth stock mutual funds.

With these acquisitions, will my 401(k) account and entire portfolio with Merrill Lynch be lost?

No. They just own the company Merrill Lynch. Look at it this way—if I owned 6 rental properties and hired a management company that eventually failed, I would still own the properties; I just wouldn’t have a manager. Your broker doesn’t have title to your stuff. Your 401(k) is not a company asset; that’s the beauty of it.

Should I sell my US stocks to buy gold and foreign stocks?

Absolutely not! Why would you think foreign stocks are any better than US stocks? Again, diversify your money in good growth stock mutual funds instead.

What practical lessons should small business owners learn from these bank difficulties?

When you have no cash, you freakin’ go broke. You must keep some cash on hand, no matter what kind of business you have. Give yourself some wiggle room where you can take a hit and still be standing.

Remain calm, America. We’re in a slow time, but just pay your bills and you’re going to be fine.


Contact your congressperson
More from Dave about the economy
Discuss this and more with other Dave Ramsey fans

Story of two opposing citizens:

  It was the end of the best of times; it was the beginning of the worse of times!

  In this existence, we find there are two different and opposing camps or ways of attempting to rule the people of the earth!  Good or God  vs. Evil or Satan {chief liar and father of sin - opposition to God!} 

  One uses the God given right of freedom of personal choice;  while the other prefers the total control everyone!   The first allows people - persons to decide for them selves, their lives,  which understands that there are always consequences!  

Yet the later considers otherwise. Based upon the idea that most people do no really know what they want - need; therefore they must be guided or directed by the more learned ones!   Thus web have the start of the two different or opposition citizens.... 

  When did all this begin?

  Actually it has existed since Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden;  when they decided to be tempted into seeking more then they already had!  { More? Remember they were in Paradise!}   

 What you may ask?

  How can this be as they were living in Paradise, which offered more than they would ever need!  Perfect weather, they did not even need cloths, all the food available when ever they wanted it.  No real boss, no taxes,  money was necessary, there were no dangerous animals {every one was tame}, no poison snakes, no weeds, no storms, bad news,there was no gossip,  no police, no war, plus they could walk and talk directly with God daily....     

  What more could anyone ask?

  Well the end came because they were tempted into thinking that there was something more!   Satan {who had been an Archangel} came to them; with an offer they could not turn down... In order to gain complete control over the domain of the earth - {because God had given the power to rule over the earth, into the hands of Adam and Eve.} 

  So by lies, Satan told them that they could eat from the one forbidden tree {tree of Good & Evil} which make them like unto Gods!  ** Plus they would not die (which was a direct lie)   So, they sinned {went against His Word} against God and did eat as Satan had told them!  This was the beginning of evil in the world and the down fall into sin (the separation from God}of mankind! 

  Satan was then in open rebellion against Almighty God in his quest to usurp the power of  "god"...   Satan therefore became the god of this world and mankind became a lost separated group of sinners!
This is the beginning of all the woe of mankind, through out history!!