12 September 2014

Your imagination Part 1

Our inter image -

Your imagination is one of the most powerful forces in your life. In fact you can not consistently function contrary to the image you hold inside yourself. 

" For as a person thinks in their heart, so they are! " Proverbs 23:7

Each of us has an image in our heart - a picture if you please - of who you are and what you are really like.
Sadly though, most people do not let the Word of God paint this picture.

We allow other people and events to paint that image...

However it is important that we get an image on the inside of us as to who we are are in Christ and His relationship with us. What we all need is God's paintbrush to change our inner image to agree with what the Word of God says about us.

Yet most people go about living a life with a very different self centered image.

> Even though you may give to help others, you may still see yourself as poor in your heart. Even though you may fulfill God's Word by sowing lots of good seed, yet your image in your heart is one of poverty. You see yourself as lacking and so you are! Your image has locked you in a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Therefore you continue to fulfil this false image which you have allowed to develop inside you!

> Perhaps you see yourself as an introvert. Shy and bashful around others. This image will dominate and control you until you decide to change it! I used to be some what of an introvert , not wanting to confront people face to face. But through God's Word, I've totally changed the image inside my heart, Now I have become a extrovert max, speaking to almost everyone I meet. 
   {just ask my wife}

You too can change you inter picture as to who you really are!

Though all this I have been changing my inner image of myself to agree with The Word of God. Because it was my imagination; I have been dealing with...
You can too.

" I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. " Phil. 4:13

You can change who you are today, try it! 

**  " Today is the first day of the rest of your life - use it wisely "

Start by glorifying and thanking God for all of your Blessing, most of which you may not even realize Then your imagination will start conceiving things differently. If you become grateful and place value on what the Lord God has said and done n your life; you'll begin to have faith for your future. So instead of being fearful and seeing negative things come to pass, you will become hopeful and start seeing positive things come to pass in your life.

" Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed upon Thee Oh God; because they trust you! " Isaiah 26:3
