Where will you spend Eternity? Part 2
more truth
This Is The KING Of The Jews (Luke 23:39)
Luke chapter 23 tells us of Jesus being arrested and being taken into court. This would be a good chapter for all of you to read. We see that Jesus is innocent, yet He is found guilty and sentenced to die being hung on a cross. We see that two other people hung on crosses that day. One was very bitter and made fun of Jesus, even as they hung on the crosses dying.
Then there were two thieves crucified with Him, one on the right hand, and another on the left. (Matthew 27:38)
And there were also two other, malefactors, (thieves) led with Him to be put to death. And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand and the other on the left. (Luke 23:32-33)
And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on Him, saying, If you be Christ save yourself and us. But the other answering rebuked him, saying, do not you fear God, seeing you are in the same condemnation? And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man has done nothing amiss. And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when You comest into Your Kingdom.
And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto you, today shall you be with Me in paradise. (Luke23:39-43)
Wait a minute! Did Jesus mess up? How could this wicked man, a guilty thief, who had never attended church; How could a guilty thief who never had membership in any church; How could a guilty thief who was never baptized; How could a guilty thief who had never done any work to deserve going to heaven, just by asking Jesus to remember him, be saved and that day go to heaven with Jesus.
I can just hear Jesus speaking to this man now. I am sorry, you have never been a member of the Assembly of God church, so you can not be saved! Or Jesus could have said, I am sorry, you have never been baptized, so you can not go to heaven! Or perhaps Jesus could have said, What, you have never done any work to deserve being saved. INSTEAD, Jesus Said unto him, Verily I say unto you, today shall you be with Me in paradise. (Luke 23:43)
There are teaching in the world today, that tell us that we can only be saved by baptism. Others teach that we are saved by our works. Yet another teaching tells us that we are saved by church membership. (Please allow me to clear up a earlier mess up, The Assembly of God Church, does not teach nor believe that anyone can be saved by church membership. They teach and believe that we are saved by the shed Blood of Jesus, when we ask Him to forgive us and ask Him to come into our life.) People (mankind) makes being saved so difficult, it is a great wonder how anyone ever gets saved. Getting saved is as simple as the act the thief on the cross did., Simply ask Jesus to forgive your sins, believe that Jesus died and shed His Blood as payment for your sins, asking Jesus to come and live in your heart. This simple, no church membership, no baptism, no work that we have to do before we are saved. Am I telling you that you should not be baptized? No, I am not, you should be baptized after you are saved, because God's Word tells us to be. Am I telling you that you should not attend and join a local church? No, I am not, God's Word tells us that we are to be a member of a local church and that we are to attend, but many people have attended church most of their life and still are not saved. We should attend church because we are saved, not to be saved. Am I telling you that you do not need to work for your salvation? Yes, I am! There is no amount of work that any of us can do that will make us saved. Any work we do for God, will never accomplish anything. What work God does through us, will accomplish just what He Intends to be done. In the years I have been in ministry, I have never yet saved even one person. I have been allowed to see God save many people. Only God Can and Will save people. People do not save people. Our job is in telling others of the Love that God has for them. In telling others, that God Wants to save them and telling of how easy it is to be saved by God. Be assured, if you are trying to work your way to heaven, you may as well quit now, you will never make it on your own. God does not save us because of anything we have done, or because we deserve being saved.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
That WhoSoEver is me, I hope it is you too!
If you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe with your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
(Romans 10:9-10) Just confess and believe and you shall be saved.
If you think that you will wait until you are good enough to be saved, you will never make it. First of all there are none that are good enough to be saved. Next if there were such a person, God could not save them because they would not need to be saved. God Sent His Son, Jesus to Save the lost. God can only save those that know of their need to be saved. While reading God's Word, please read the book of John and please allow yourself to see your need of being saved. Allow God to become a most important part of your life. Soon you will find out that God is your life. Again, I ask you, please do not believe what I teach. Read God's Word for yourself and find out what God teaches. If you are not reading God's Word you do not know if what I am teaching is true or not. See for yourself!
Most Holy and Faithful Father God, help us O Lord, to see the lies we have been taught in our life time. Help us to stop believing these lies and to start hearing Your Truth and to believe Your Words, Help us our unbelief. In Your Love, Mercy and Grace, Help us, O Lord. Asking in The Name of Jesus, Amen and Amen.
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In His Love and Service,
Bill Dorman (John 13:34-35)
E Mail Chaplain777@hotmail.com
Web site http://www.geocities.com/ Heartland/Bluffs/2779/
J.I.A.L. Ministries (Jesus Is Always Lord)
(97-09-07) P O Box 1061
Buffalo, MO 65622-1061
The above name and address in not mentioned to bring any glory to myself, but in case you need to write to someone about anything that you need prayer or advice on. To God be all Praise and Glory now and forever. Any letters written to myself or any other member of this ministry at the above address will be read and prayed over.
In His Love and Service,
Bill Dorman (John 13:34-35)
Feel Free to share this or any message I post if God Leads you to.
Luke chapter 23 tells us of Jesus being arrested and being taken into court. This would be a good chapter for all of you to read. We see that Jesus is innocent, yet He is found guilty and sentenced to die being hung on a cross. We see that two other people hung on crosses that day. One was very bitter and made fun of Jesus, even as they hung on the crosses dying.
Then there were two thieves crucified with Him, one on the right hand, and another on the left. (Matthew 27:38)
And there were also two other, malefactors, (thieves) led with Him to be put to death. And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand and the other on the left. (Luke 23:32-33)
And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on Him, saying, If you be Christ save yourself and us. But the other answering rebuked him, saying, do not you fear God, seeing you are in the same condemnation? And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man has done nothing amiss. And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when You comest into Your Kingdom.
And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto you, today shall you be with Me in paradise. (Luke23:39-43)
Wait a minute! Did Jesus mess up? How could this wicked man, a guilty thief, who had never attended church; How could a guilty thief who never had membership in any church; How could a guilty thief who was never baptized; How could a guilty thief who had never done any work to deserve going to heaven, just by asking Jesus to remember him, be saved and that day go to heaven with Jesus.
I can just hear Jesus speaking to this man now. I am sorry, you have never been a member of the Assembly of God church, so you can not be saved! Or Jesus could have said, I am sorry, you have never been baptized, so you can not go to heaven! Or perhaps Jesus could have said, What, you have never done any work to deserve being saved. INSTEAD, Jesus Said unto him, Verily I say unto you, today shall you be with Me in paradise. (Luke 23:43)
There are teaching in the world today, that tell us that we can only be saved by baptism. Others teach that we are saved by our works. Yet another teaching tells us that we are saved by church membership. (Please allow me to clear up a earlier mess up, The Assembly of God Church, does not teach nor believe that anyone can be saved by church membership. They teach and believe that we are saved by the shed Blood of Jesus, when we ask Him to forgive us and ask Him to come into our life.) People (mankind) makes being saved so difficult, it is a great wonder how anyone ever gets saved. Getting saved is as simple as the act the thief on the cross did., Simply ask Jesus to forgive your sins, believe that Jesus died and shed His Blood as payment for your sins, asking Jesus to come and live in your heart. This simple, no church membership, no baptism, no work that we have to do before we are saved. Am I telling you that you should not be baptized? No, I am not, you should be baptized after you are saved, because God's Word tells us to be. Am I telling you that you should not attend and join a local church? No, I am not, God's Word tells us that we are to be a member of a local church and that we are to attend, but many people have attended church most of their life and still are not saved. We should attend church because we are saved, not to be saved. Am I telling you that you do not need to work for your salvation? Yes, I am! There is no amount of work that any of us can do that will make us saved. Any work we do for God, will never accomplish anything. What work God does through us, will accomplish just what He Intends to be done. In the years I have been in ministry, I have never yet saved even one person. I have been allowed to see God save many people. Only God Can and Will save people. People do not save people. Our job is in telling others of the Love that God has for them. In telling others, that God Wants to save them and telling of how easy it is to be saved by God. Be assured, if you are trying to work your way to heaven, you may as well quit now, you will never make it on your own. God does not save us because of anything we have done, or because we deserve being saved.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
That WhoSoEver is me, I hope it is you too!
If you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe with your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
(Romans 10:9-10) Just confess and believe and you shall be saved.
If you think that you will wait until you are good enough to be saved, you will never make it. First of all there are none that are good enough to be saved. Next if there were such a person, God could not save them because they would not need to be saved. God Sent His Son, Jesus to Save the lost. God can only save those that know of their need to be saved. While reading God's Word, please read the book of John and please allow yourself to see your need of being saved. Allow God to become a most important part of your life. Soon you will find out that God is your life. Again, I ask you, please do not believe what I teach. Read God's Word for yourself and find out what God teaches. If you are not reading God's Word you do not know if what I am teaching is true or not. See for yourself!
Most Holy and Faithful Father God, help us O Lord, to see the lies we have been taught in our life time. Help us to stop believing these lies and to start hearing Your Truth and to believe Your Words, Help us our unbelief. In Your Love, Mercy and Grace, Help us, O Lord. Asking in The Name of Jesus, Amen and Amen.
In His Love and Service,
Bill Dorman (John 13:34-35)
E Mail Chaplain777@hotmail.com
Web site http://www.geocities.com/
J.I.A.L. Ministries (Jesus Is Always Lord)
(97-09-07) P O Box 1061
Buffalo, MO 65622-1061
The above name and address in not mentioned to bring any glory to myself, but in case you need to write to someone about anything that you need prayer or advice on. To God be all Praise and Glory now and forever. Any letters written to myself or any other member of this ministry at the above address will be read and prayed over.
In His Love and Service,
Bill Dorman (John 13:34-35)
Feel Free to share this or any message I post if God Leads you to.
posted by Kerminator at 11:32