25 August 2018

Thanking ? Logic - 2

Logic Part 2 Understanding how to think properly
** Use Logic to help define and point out the truth in any disagreement or argument! This leads to a positive relationship and generally a profitable solution for all. **

Date:   8/25/2018

People Aren’t Stupid. They Just Don’t Understand Logic or Reason.

Don’t call people stupid. It’s mean, none of us should do it. There is only one situation where “stupid” is justified, and I’ll reveal that at the end of this article.
Being stupid is knowing how or why something works and then just ignoring that premise when you do it {creataing a stupid mistake}.
Understanding logic is understanding how to think.

Some (perhaps many) people don’t know how to think thru situations put before them. That’s different than “being stupid.”
Even Good, smart people fail at thinking, and so they appear stupid.

All the while, thinking is as simple as basic math.
Literally, it is as simple as
1 + 2 = 3

Easy to understand. It flows. You can convert widgets, ideas, algebraic symbols – all sorts of things – in the logical syllogism.

A + B = C

• + •• = •••

This is logic, and it is the basic building block of thinking. Breaking down how to think into a simple equation like this is called the “logical syllogism,” and it is easy to swap the symbols with statements. Just replace the symbols with an opinion or agreed-upon fact – a proposition – and you have the syllogism. The formula is exactly the same:

Major Premise + Minor Premise = Conclusion

Those who discover the simplicity of the logical syllogism are people whose opinions, beliefs, worldview, and even desires bloom. They become better people. Let’s get into some specifics and learn how to think logically.

Plug-In Specifics

First: some simple syllogisms. They’re pretty easy. The major premise should make a factual claim, the minor premise brings in a variable that relates to the claim, and the conclusion should follow nicely. Real simple:

Major: Dogs are mammals.
Minor: Mammals have hair.
Conclusion: Dogs have hair.

There are several ways to mess this up. You’d appear stupid if you do. For the sake of displaying stupidity, allow me to:

Claim that dogs are reptiles. Not true.
Claim mammals have leathery skin. Also not true.
Disassociate the minor from the major. Following “Dogs are mammals” with something like “snakes are reptiles.” The two don’t connect.
Concluding without thinking through the premises. “Dogs have hair” is just as logical as “dogs are reptiles” when you don’t consider the premises.
Clinging to a conclusion that does not follow. “I don’t want dogs to have hair” means nothing logically.

Messing up the syllogism is messing up the logic, and this is not the way to think through anything. This example is pretty tame. Not many people will disagree with either of the premises or the conclusion. But people think illogically all the time.
Where People Trip Up and Appear Stupid

I honestly don’t think that there are not many truly “stupid” people. Most people can follow logically if they give it some thought.
When they get tripped up, stupidity becomes pretty obvious. Three of the main ways are listed below.

1. They cling to premises that aren’t true.

Like claiming dogs are reptiles, or mammals have leathery skin. We’d just look at them funny and think they’re uneducated. Or ignorant.

Here’s where people get tripped up all the time. I’ve been in political, moral and personal conversations where people don’t think logically. And they feel stupid when they’re corrected.
(“You think you’re so smart, dontchya? What ya think I am, stupid or something?” Well, er…) I’ve heard these premises of so often:

Political Premise: The recession was your political party’s fault.
(During an election year, we will hear this over and over again –
from both sides!)

Moral Premise: God does not exist.

Personal Premise: I want a car.

These are stated early in a persuasive argument as if they are fact. I often jump into the middle of the conversation and say, “Whoa, hold on there. How do you know that to be true?”

If you are the one making any of these claims, I suppose you’d be frustrated with me. You shouldn’t get angry, though. I am challenging your thinking, but only because you are challenging mine. Each of the premises above was claimed by you, and I happen to not agree with them. I’m merely asking you to explain yourself, and I’d appreciate (just as you would) that you gave me a logical explanation. If you don’t, you and I may come to a faulty conclusion:

Political Conclusion: My political party will fix the recession.

Moral Conclusion: There is no moral right or wrong.

Personal Conclusion: You should buy me a Mac, Dad.

Many people want to believe in those premises. They want to believe a certain political party is at fault, they want to believe God doesn’t exist, and a child wants to believe he needs a Mac. They may be right, but they are not convincing when they don’t strive hard to keep their premises clear and truthful. They definitely won’t convince me of the conclusion they want.

Solution: This is how you should think: humbly. You may or may not be right, and for the sake of the conversation, assume that you may not be. Even when the stakes are high, which – arguably – all three of these are. Entertain the idea that perhaps you’ve assumed (and that you’re actually wrong). There’s no shame in being wrong.

Same with the questioner. Perhaps my political party did cause the recession, or that they think that God doesn’t exist, or a child does want a Mac. At least come to the conversation with this humble spirit, no matter how sure of one side you are. Entertaining these ideas can lead to wholesome discussions and fun debates.

2. They reconstruct the syllogism in the middle of the discussion.

Arguments can be fun, but they sometimes become angry and bitter when people don’t think logically. Reconstructing the syllogism is one of the biggest fallacies that lead to frustration and bad thinking. It’s, you know, stupid.

Consider yourself a challenger of each of the premises above. Challenges are good, and two people who know how to think logically can have a robust and lively conversation, but not if one attempts to change the logic of it all.

** Changing the argument:

You: Wait, how do you know the recession was my political party’s fault?
Friend: Capitalism has failed, just admit it.

You: Wait, are you sure God doesn’t exist?
Friend: Christians are hypocrites, that’s all.

You: Son, are you sure you need a car?
Son: a car would be awesome!  I really, really want one!

Solution: Stick with the logical syllogism that the two of you started with. Solve that first by considering the question – together. Both the questioner and the answerer should do this.

3. They make claims without thinking through the premises.
Let’s go all the way back to the political, moral and personal conclusions.

Once again:

Political Conclusion: My political party will fix the recession.

Moral Conclusion: There is no moral right or wrong.

Personal Conclusion: You should buy me a car, Dad.

These claims are actually conclusions. They aren’t true unless the premises are true. Believing in these conclusions without thinking through the premises appears 

(you guessed it) stupid.

Just as stupid is responding to a conclusion with a counter conclusion. “Your party will not fix the recession,” “There is a moral right and wrong,” “Get a job, son.” These kinds of responses don’t engage logically. These are immature and irrational responses, just as unfair as the question, and they don’t encourage thinking at all.

** Solution: Instead, the disagreement should lead to a fruitful conversation with a simple question: “How did you come to that conclusion?” Then come up with premises that either supports the conclusion or reveal the fault in the conclusion.

Real Stupidity

Not many people are really stupid. But this is stupid: continuing to cling to premises that aren’t true, reconstructing the logic in the middle of arguments, and making conclusions that aren’t thought through when you know what a logical syllogism is. You’re refusing to follow the truth, and that’s stupid. Or plain evil.

Use Logic to help define and point out the truth in any disagreement or argument! This leads to a positive relationship and generally a profitable solution for all.

From what I can remember - 2

In later years I can now reflect on times gone by!
One main thing I see today is that there are many younger people, who seem to be unable to think outside their little box in life. You can become trapped in a small box which revolves around some limited routine in life.

I have learned to try and see the bigger picture in any experience that I have encountered.  Then realize that it is good or bad - different in all situations.  Part of our life here is to evaluate and learn, how to operate or respond to whatever occurs. 

Yet today it appears that many people have succumbed to the limited "911" way of thinking. Which is when something does not go their way - they get on the cell fon and call - in place of first attempting to deal with the situation by using their God-given intelligence!

Before this loose and often questionable  "911" way of getting some answers came into being - most humans attempted to figure out their problem. Which is set upon a pattern of problem-solving rather than relying on others to solve their problems. It is far better to have learned how to just deal with whatever problems arise, using Self-reliance.  
This approach seems to have become basically lost today. 

The way to use technology is a learning process.  First, it is necessary to understand what the technical support system is in place. Without the proper way to access the system  - you will either not be able to function or else you will fail to complete the necessary items or parts to be successful.  

Troubleshooting; {BTW: it does not have anything to do with guns} is a technique developed and used over the years to determine the cause of whatever situation is encountered.

Being brought up in the pre-present-anti-God public school system, then becoming an Electronics Technician in the US Navy - I learned to both seek and study to Educate my self-way to find answers in life. 
Which Included, God, duty, cleanness, good health, proper manners and learning to love or respect my neighbors.  
Not the present Fads and Fashions of most of the mass media which is just
 " Bravo - Serria " or an endless losing game.

 This requires clear discernment and observation. Unless you seek the truth  - you will fall for anything and be caught up in most of the public madness of the day. 

Do not chase much of the propaganda of today, because it in not in your self-interest. Choose the Logic tested ways of finding and exposing the whole truth!

You need to become a Spirit Warrior will seek to always seek the Truth!   This is what I have done.  Develop the necessary skills to become an effective problem solver.

From what I can remember - 1

21 May 2018

From what I remember Part 1

 My life has been varied and direct depending on the time and circumstances.

Born one cold winter January down in Dixie land to poor white folks! 
 Had a younger brother a year behind me in school, we had the necessities of life - but no luxuries. For us a soda pop was rare and referred to as belly wash.  We lived with one or the other of our Grandparents until I was in the 5th grade.  Our Father was not around much, he had a checkered past and my mother finally Divorced him when I was 10. 

My mother was an RN and earned enough to pay for the necessities of life.
 We did not have a car until my mother remarried when I was 13; {but both sets of grandparents did}.  We had sufficient, food and housing was adequate. Attended church - occasionally went to movies (we did not have TV until I was 12) or went to the WMCA went on outdoor activities from time to time.  We did not have all the stuff that everyone seems to have in the US today!

When I was 10 living with my Grandmother down in south GA - she gave us new bibles and we often walked to church. Where during a revival meeting with Brother Barnett, where I accepted Christ by going forward during the message.
Because the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness.  

I have read the complete Bible sections at different times.  It gave me an anchor, which would serve to guide me the rest of my life. This did not mean that I was sinless just that the Gospel of Christ alerted me to the right course of action -  {it was more a warning or remembrance.}.  

Meaning that if and when you step off the path of Righteousness, learn to be quick to step back on! This is the way you develop morals and a good conscience to live a better life. When you have already decided that there are certain things that you just will not do - the temptation is not there later. 

Being a good neighbor or friend does not mean that you just hang out with them. I have heard and seen where some who were practicing agents of the devil, at times - when a questionable activity came up - they would say " you are not part of this activity, be gone."  

Because your Righteousness is evident to many around you.  Once when in my 20's I have gone with others to a party that became questionable; yet when my ride said that he was staying - I did not want to be involved and just left on foot and hitchhiked 5 miles back at midnite. It is better to be a loner who stands for what they know is right; than stay as a puppet in some questionable actives.  This is where many people fall into questionable circumstances.

This is not a declaration of perfection or being a " Goody person "  rather it is how people should live, by seeking the Truth, living it to the best of their abilities.  This leads to a life of righteousness and general peace. 

Our life should be about being a good neighbor and friend to the end. 
 Live it in place of all the world's race for fame and fortune; 
which is based on self-centeredness and greed!

 Seek a better opportunity in all you do!

  It is a choice on your part - use it beneficially.