27 January 2012

8 Good things


Guided By God! = Becoming a Spirit Warrior 

 Topic started by: Enchantment on 27, Jan 2012, 16:36 GMT

Title: 8 Good things
Post by: Enchantment

 Eight Good Things to Think About Everyday (Philippians 4:8)
by Beverly Muyco Bacomo on Wednesday, September 29, 2010 at 3:25am

   1) Whatever things are true.If you think about what is honest,genuine,authentic,faithful,accurate,and truthful,then you won't be saying anything false,incorrect,erroneous,or untrue
   2) Whatever things are noble.If you think about what is admirable,high quality, excellent, magnanimous, superior, or honorable,then you won't be saying anything that is base,petty,mean,dishonorable,or low-minded.
   3) Whatever things are just.If you think about what is fair, reasonable, equitable, roper, lawful, right,correct, deserved, upright,honorable,and seemly,then you won't be saying anything that is unjustified, biased, unreasonable, unlawful,or unfair.
  4) Whatever things are pure.If you think about what is clean,clear,spotless,chaste,unsullied,undefiled,or untainted with evil ,then you won't be saying anything that is inferior, tainted, adulterated, defiled, polluted, corrupted, tarnished,or unholy.
   5) Whatever things are lovely.If you think about what is pleasing,agreeable,charming,satisfying,or splendid,then you won't be saying things that is unpleasant,offensive,disagreeable,revolting,unlovely,ominous or ugly.
  6) Whatever things are of good report.If you think about what is admirable,winsome,worthwhile,recommended,positive,or worthy of repeating,then you won't be saying anything that are negative,discouraging,undesirable or full of bad news,gossip,and rumor.
  7) Whatever things are virtuous.If you think about what is moral,ethical,upright,excellent,good,impressive,or conforming to high moral standard,then you won't be saying things that is depraved, unethical licentious, bad, self-indulgent, dissipated, evil,or immoral.
  8)  Whatever things are praiseworthy.If you think about what is laudable,admirable,commendable.valuable,acclaimed,applauded,glorified,exalted,honorable,or approved of,then you won't be saying anything that is critical, or condemning, deprecating, disapproving, disparaging, denouncing, belittling,or depressing.

source:the power of a praying woman
           by: Stormie Omartian