05 October 2014

" to know the time or season "

Fear of failure, a feeling of inferiority, indecisiveness when it comes to making
important decisions, and general worry hamper hordes of people from reaching
their goals in life, and often lead to premature aging and disease.

We live in a world structured by (5) five fundamental Chronos Cycles..

The chronos cycles describe cyclical, recurring rhythms woven into the very fabric of our lives - through the created order of God... Typically Chronos denotes time in general or a certain section of time, as a span of time:
Chronos time is like environmental rhythms such as astronomical phenomena which is in-bedded into our biology...
Chronos cycles are known and constant in our lives...
Chronos is about measured time and events...
Chronos is about the quantity of time...
Chronos time is limited to regular measurements ...

While everything else operates on Kairos is experienced time - which is " to know the time or season " or to know the critical situation in your life, which demands or requires a derision... Thus you should train to recognize these important decisions points in your life...

*** So in order to gain or show confidence to get over the debilitating problems many people suffer:

Try to spend ten to twenty minutes a day in a quiet place; picture to
yourself the kind of person you would like to be; conjure up before your mind's eye
a personality well poised, confident and assured. See yourself having an attractive
and magnetic personality, moving confidently among people in your home, work
and social life.

As you carry on with these daily periods of concentration, you will find that what
you visualize actually begins to become part of yourself. At once you will begin to
walk more purposefully; your step will be firmer, and you will hold your head up
and throw your shoulders back. This will immediately have the effect of inspiring
more courage in your own mind and more confidence in you in the minds of
others. You will begin to speak more firmly; to express your views more
decidedly; gradually you will come to believe in yourself; to realize what fine potentialities you have and actually to be the person you have visualized everyday.

Get a pencil and paper and write down all the advantages, gifts, abilities and good
points you can think of about yourself. Of course, out of habit detrimental thoughts
may arise, but you must banish them immediately. After you have completed the
list, you will be surprised at how many advantages you possess.

Think on These Things
8 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
9 The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

In future we want you to spend your time thinking only of these good points and
refusing absolutely to think of your drawbacks. We want you to realize that
everyone has drawbacks which have to be overcome or eradicated. Many of them
are only the result of habit. Assurance and confidence are absolutely essential to
one who wishes to succeed.

Pay attention to your body; whenever moving or walking, consciously throw
your shoulders back, keep your head and chin up. The very attitude of courage will
engender courage in your mind, for physical and mental are both closely
interrelated and each one affects the other.

Because once you set your course straight and know your final destination it will become smooth sailing....

Unless you change your life; it will be the same

 There is a rhythm of life from God Almighty who made all you see, hear or know... 

 Evil was not created - it is the opposition to the truth of the Gospel of Christ and is the path of destruction and eternal death or separation from God!  
Choose this day who you will follow! 

Repentance is to turn from the path you are on and move in a new different direction..

If you sincerely want a better life and know where you will spend Eternity ..  Change today...

Remember one day soon you will have a " Come to Jesus meeting! "

  Are you ready??

  If not fast and pray for help! 

Hope For The Broken Hearted

Friends,  so many of you are dealing with discouragement right now. 

The enemy wants you to lose hope, he wants you to believe that God has forsaken you or abandoned you. He wants you to believe that your prayers have no value...but we must remember that he is a deceiver and a liar...
 We must remember that the same power that resurrected Christ from the grave is available to every believer...but we must embrace it, believe it and receive it and we must trust that God is going to use that power for our good and His glory.
 He will work in our circumstances, but He also wants to work in our heart's and our mind's to transform us and our faith. God is with you..  Without Faith in God and a total Belief you can not please God, our Heavenly Father! 
He loves you and He knows your every need.  He loves you more than you may know - He is the source of all LOVE!
Tell the enemy to get behind you and trust your heart, your desires and your needs to the Lord... believe that He is faithful and His Word true and you will see His power and strength rise up in you.- 
Discover how to stay filled with the True Gospel of Jesus in your life...  { If you need help reply}  
 God is full of Grace, and Truth offering Mercy to all who come repentant before Him! 

Lib playbook...

Using the Lib playbook, we need to show them  OUR playbook. 
With 23 Conservative Goals for America:
1. We must be vocal about the current necessity to keep nuclear warheads stockpiles greater than all of the nations that current have nuclear capability combined. In 2008, we had 5,000 nuclear warheads. in 2012, we have just above 1,700. Obama hopes to deplete our stockpile to 300 by 2016 with the overall goal of total disarmament. We all want peace, but peace is especially fragile in a nuclear world. We cannot approach diplomacy without carrying a gun under the table. Otherwise, we are bringing a knife to a gunfight.  Nuclear superiority has served and saved the US many times over the past fifty years...
2. We must be vocal about ceasing trade with any nation that does not promote humanitarian rights, especially those who are Communist nations and especially items that can be used for war (we cannot send weapons to foreign nations that aren't our allies). We need to stop sending money overseas to our enemies, especially in our current financial crisis. We must be vocal about bringing all unnecessary funding home so that we can use the money here.
 Don't be fooled: Obama's olive branch of bringing the troops home so we can do nation building here is not the same. How can we do nation building at home if we are do not have secure boards? 
3. By paying off the national debt, we must start sending money back to China (unfortunately) because we are in debt to them. The longer we are indebted to Red China, the longer we are in their chains. The debtor is always under the thumb of whomever they are in debt to!
  When we have paid off our debt to them, we must then be vocal about denying them a sounding board in the UN. Heck, we should dissolve our association with the UN, because all they want to do is establish a global government.
4. We must learn the histories of totalitarian governments like Germany, Italy, Russia (USSR), post-colonial Africa, South America, Central America, East Asia, and the Middle East. How are we to compete in the world and know what we are fighting, if we are ignorant to history. With that said, we must also study our founding documents. It is only by knowing where we came from that we can know where we want to go.
5. Petition the outlaw of the Communist Party, the Freedom Socialist Party, National Socialist Party, Labor Party, Party for Socialist and Liberation, Socialist Alternative, Socialist Action, Socialist Equality Party, Socialist Party USA, the Workers World Party, Working Families Party, and any other party associated with killing American values. Again, do not let their titles fool you. We must first educate ourselves on these parties agendas and then petition to have them outlawed in America. While we have freedom of speech in America, our Founders would argue that speech that intends harm towards the Constitution is not free to be given a platform in America.
6. Demand that our schools allow time for our loyalty oaths, namely the Pledge of Allegiance. How can you have a nation if you do not pledge loyalty to it?  { No Muslim stuff } 
7. Demand transparency in our government. No foreign nation should be in bed with our government, especially our Patent Office. Our ideas belong to us, not the world.  { BO should know better }
8. Petition a McCarthy-esque purge of both political parties with a modern version of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. McCarthy had the right observations; he just went about it the wrong way, and was branded as a witch-hunter.
9. Demand transparency in our judicial system. They work for us; we don't work for them. Get involved with the ACLJ (American Center for Law & Justice - http://aclj.org/). Petition for an investigation into the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union).
10. Encourage your children to become teachers, but be close to them in their studies. 
I can tell you from personal experience, education programs in higher education is full of Marxist, feminist, and anti-colonial theory. Beware. Also, get involved in your schools. Run for office in your towns. In our urban areas, the boards are run mainly  by 100% Democrats. We need to infiltrate school systems and promote change from within. Demand a diverse curriculum. Why do liberals get first dibs on what is taught to our nation's children? Demand better textbooks. Demand transparency in our teacher unions.
11. Get involved in your local schools and churches, especially with young people. They are in desperate need of good role-models. For the first time in our nation's history, the age group 18-29 (my generation) believes socialism is a better alternative to capitalism. We need to change the tide. Liberals do not have dibs on our nation's children.
12. Order the Blaze (http://www.theblaze.com/tv/). Glenn Beck is the only media person out there that seems to understand the state of our nation. He's not a party-line guy; he's a conservative-line guy. The more we build his company, the better chance we have in creating a media empire that believes what we do. Also, encourage your children to be journalists, but keep tabs on their education. Higher education in the Communications field is rampant with liberal professors.
13. Promote the arts, especially those by conservative artists. Encourage your children to express themselves in artistic ways, especially those in the written word. Ideas change nations. Get involved in local museums and promote our culture. Their plan is "to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art." Expose your children to the other kind.
14. Petition to reinstate obscenity laws in the media. There is no need for pornographic media on prime-time television. This is not being Puritan, as our liberal pundits would suggest. Why should your 12 year old know what a condom is by watching shows like the Jersey Shore? Or the crap they are introducing in Kindergarten...
15. Promote homosexual equality. We do have gay conservatives, most of whom understand the difference between same-sex marriage laws and the IRS's acknowledgement of them. 
Same-sex marriage doesn't give homosexuals the equality they claim to want: they have always said it was about benefits. Ask for laws that divorce marital benefits from marriage in favor of "domestic benefits."    Thus, there is no need for redefining marriage, and homosexuals are able to attain the benefits they wish to have.
16. Go (back) to church, synagogue, temple, etc. We need it now more than ever. Promote and fight for "non-denominational chapels" in our schools for they promote every students' first amendment right, including those who subscribe to atheism. Every student deserves a place for quiet reflection, meditation, and (God-forbid) prayer.
17. Promote the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Read it, study it, understand it. Teach it to your children. Demand that our schools teach it as well. Learn about the Founding Fathers. Understand them. Love them. Defend them. They pledged their Lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor. They deserve our respect, and we should not to be able to pledge any less.
18. Promote the teaching of Russian history in our schools, but demand it to be taught truthfully. It's the difference between Ayn Rand's We the Living, based on her own personal experience in Russia, and the romantic, idealized version of the 80s movie REDS. We want the former emphasized over the latter.
19. Social programs are not necessarily socialism. Demand that our municipal powers clean up our social programs so that we are not a socialist nation.
20. Promote small businesses and big businesses that promote our values. Boycott businesses that don't.
21. Promote your children into the psychiatric field, but be aware of their education.
22. Promote the traditional family unit. Promote education on what it means to be married, not easy marriages and easy divorces. Petition to de-fund, or by the very lease lessen our tax dollars to, Planned Parenthood. Any organization that promotes promiscuity among our teens, let alone everything else it does, doesn't deserve our tax dollars. We must remain faithful to the right-to-life movement.
23. Promote civil disobedience for causes near and dear to us. Do not promote violence or insurrection, but only in self-defense.  { Self defense is basic to every living creature }