" to know the time or season "
Fear of failure, a feeling of inferiority, indecisiveness when it comes to making
important decisions, and general worry hamper hordes of people from reaching
their goals in life, and often lead to premature aging and disease.
We live in a world structured by (5) five fundamental Chronos Cycles..
The chronos cycles describe cyclical, recurring rhythms woven into the very fabric of our lives - through the created order of God... Typically Chronos denotes time in general or a certain section of time, as a span of time:
Chronos time is like environmental rhythms such as astronomical phenomena which is in-bedded into our biology...
Chronos cycles are known and constant in our lives...
Chronos is about measured time and events...
Chronos is about the quantity of time...
Chronos time is limited to regular measurements ...
While everything else operates on Kairos is experienced time - which is " to know the time or season " or to know the critical situation in your life, which demands or requires a derision... Thus you should train to recognize these important decisions points in your life...
*** So in order to gain or show confidence to get over the debilitating problems many people suffer:
Try to spend ten to twenty minutes a day in a quiet place; picture to
yourself the kind of person you would like to be; conjure up before your mind's eye
a personality well poised, confident and assured. See yourself having an attractive
and magnetic personality, moving confidently among people in your home, work
and social life.
As you carry on with these daily periods of concentration, you will find that what
you visualize actually begins to become part of yourself. At once you will begin to
walk more purposefully; your step will be firmer, and you will hold your head up
and throw your shoulders back. This will immediately have the effect of inspiring
more courage in your own mind and more confidence in you in the minds of
others. You will begin to speak more firmly; to express your views more
decidedly; gradually you will come to believe in yourself; to realize what fine potentialities you have and actually to be the person you have visualized everyday.
Get a pencil and paper and write down all the advantages, gifts, abilities and good
points you can think of about yourself. Of course, out of habit detrimental thoughts
may arise, but you must banish them immediately. After you have completed the
list, you will be surprised at how many advantages you possess.
Think on These Things
8 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
9 The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
In future we want you to spend your time thinking only of these good points and
refusing absolutely to think of your drawbacks. We want you to realize that
everyone has drawbacks which have to be overcome or eradicated. Many of them
are only the result of habit. Assurance and confidence are absolutely essential to
one who wishes to succeed.
Pay attention to your body; whenever moving or walking, consciously throw
your shoulders back, keep your head and chin up. The very attitude of courage will
engender courage in your mind, for physical and mental are both closely
interrelated and each one affects the other.
Because once you set your course straight and know your final destination it will become smooth sailing....
important decisions, and general worry hamper hordes of people from reaching
their goals in life, and often lead to premature aging and disease.
We live in a world structured by (5) five fundamental Chronos Cycles..
The chronos cycles describe cyclical, recurring rhythms woven into the very fabric of our lives - through the created order of God... Typically Chronos denotes time in general or a certain section of time, as a span of time:
Chronos time is like environmental rhythms such as astronomical phenomena which is in-bedded into our biology...
Chronos cycles are known and constant in our lives...
Chronos is about measured time and events...
Chronos is about the quantity of time...
Chronos time is limited to regular measurements ...
While everything else operates on Kairos is experienced time - which is " to know the time or season " or to know the critical situation in your life, which demands or requires a derision... Thus you should train to recognize these important decisions points in your life...
*** So in order to gain or show confidence to get over the debilitating problems many people suffer:
Try to spend ten to twenty minutes a day in a quiet place; picture to
yourself the kind of person you would like to be; conjure up before your mind's eye
a personality well poised, confident and assured. See yourself having an attractive
and magnetic personality, moving confidently among people in your home, work
and social life.
As you carry on with these daily periods of concentration, you will find that what
you visualize actually begins to become part of yourself. At once you will begin to
walk more purposefully; your step will be firmer, and you will hold your head up
and throw your shoulders back. This will immediately have the effect of inspiring
more courage in your own mind and more confidence in you in the minds of
others. You will begin to speak more firmly; to express your views more
decidedly; gradually you will come to believe in yourself; to realize what fine potentialities you have and actually to be the person you have visualized everyday.
Get a pencil and paper and write down all the advantages, gifts, abilities and good
points you can think of about yourself. Of course, out of habit detrimental thoughts
may arise, but you must banish them immediately. After you have completed the
list, you will be surprised at how many advantages you possess.
Think on These Things
8 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
9 The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
In future we want you to spend your time thinking only of these good points and
refusing absolutely to think of your drawbacks. We want you to realize that
everyone has drawbacks which have to be overcome or eradicated. Many of them
are only the result of habit. Assurance and confidence are absolutely essential to
one who wishes to succeed.
Pay attention to your body; whenever moving or walking, consciously throw
your shoulders back, keep your head and chin up. The very attitude of courage will
engender courage in your mind, for physical and mental are both closely
interrelated and each one affects the other.
Because once you set your course straight and know your final destination it will become smooth sailing....