I was a thinkin'
I was a thinkin'
If you ever really stop to anilize your life; you will see there is more than seen!
Date: 5/12/2009 01:26:08 GMT
"Everyday life in America (or where ever you happen to be) has a creative force behind it." Carol Endres
Life is like a message in a bottle, as it floats through eternity;
Washed by the waves of time, floating over the events of your life,
What is the true purpose as you travel this pathway,
Waiting to be picked up by the hand of God!
Everyday we wake up to a new opportunity in our life... It's what we do with it that counts! a True-ism
Many times it is not exactly what we may want or have wished for but it is the truth never the less...
The older I get,it seems that most people in the world are hell bent on destruction...
Some examples of this is the radical movement to:
(This is just an overview)
1) Make the world safe {green} It appears that based on most everything I learned much of this Global warming is bunk, based on a few people attempting to cash in on a perceived dilemma... {Fear factor} I have all ways been a supporter of conservation and proper planning to best use the resources available...
{ My view on this is to learn to use what God has given us to it's best ability; then there is no dilemma!}
2) Give every body freedom... This is another one of those " We know better how to run your life" things... If you look at what most of these so called freedom loving groups espouse; it looks more like control of the masses... Each group seems to have the perfect answer to all the problems in the world! Yet once you examine their methods it all comes down to a few controlling (making the big money decisions) all the people... So much for the world's view of freedom!
{ Again if we just followed God's plan for everyone having a free agency (freedom to choose) then there would not be any need for these schemes of mankind! God gave us all freedom and the devil's gang is attempting to take it away! HUH!}
3) Make the events in life a level playing field or fair... This goes along with 2) above; with certain groups attempting to control everyone else's life... This is where a select few {Usually liberal types who think they have all the right answers for you} take it upon themselves to decide and control the actions of others...
{ Life is not fair and you will never get a level playing field this side of Heaven! So seek the blessings of God and let that direct your goals in this life!}
4) Attempting to make peace... Peace is a rare glimpse of heaven on earth... It has only existed a few brief periods here in this world... Most of the so called peace accords are made by those in power to force others {those on the opposition side} to concede to do their wishes...
{Peace, while a Nobel and desired virtue; will never exist for any length of time here; because the hearts on man are greedy and love to bring destruction!}
5) Convince everybody that what ever is in the minds of the controllers is good for you! This is a summary of all that is above... We find that the big picture is that God has given each person a free agency to choose their destiny... But the Devil or great deceiver wants to place everyone under his control....
{ Therefore you see the systems of this world, where a few rule and attempt to control the lives of everyone else!}
" If you stop an look hard enough; you will see that there are two opposing forces at work in existence! You choice is to choose which one you will follow! Truth and Light or Falsehood and Darkness! " a True-ism