28 July 2009

The Press Control

What does all this %^#*&@$ mean anyway?

Many people down in Dixie have shrived to learn the truth and how to live a better life, how you ask read on dear friend!

Date: 7/26/2009 12:33:45 PM ( 58 s æ ) ... viewed 1 times

What is the difference between the truth and most of which you see in the mass media today?

Well it has became blurred since the 1960's when journalism took on a " holy calling" of exposing certain areas they considered wrong or that need adjustment! Once armed with the so called authority of the " Perceived Truth " they were and have became one of the most powerful elements in the world... The present news media is now more powerful than governments, social orders, business and most religions...

08th June 1978, commencement address at Harvard University. Alexander Solzhenistsyn said:

"Such as it is, however , the press has become the greatest power within the Western countries, more powerful than the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary. One would then like to ask: By what law has it been elected and to whom is it responsible?"

So here we find our present world, with mass media putting out slants to support agenda of certain favorite groups... We have got to begin to learn the truth then learn to avoid the control element of the mass media and the controlled direction they steer!

" What a dangerous web we weave on this pathway of life! " a True-ism