20 February 2015

Ask and receive?

Almighty God desires that mankind exercise their reasoning powers; it is the study of the Bible which will help lead and give strength to elevate the mind as no other study can... Yet we are to beware of defying logic and reason which subject to the weakness and infirmity of humanity. If we would not have the Holy Scriptures clouded to our understanding; so that even the simple truths are not understood - for we must have the simplicity and faith of a little child, being ready to learn...
When we come to the Bible, reason must acknowledge a superior authority beyond itself, so that both heart and intellect must bow to the Great " I AM " ...
Because there are things apparently difficult or obscure, which God will make plain to those who seek an understanding of them...
The enemy {Satan} will try to take control of human thoughts so that they err in their understanding! Those who look at the scriptures to find discrepancies, do not have spiritual insight! Because with a distorted view they will tend to see things that cause doubt and unbelief when the truth is right before them - plain and simple!
Disguise it as they will, the real cause of doubt and skepticism in most cases is the love of sin in their hearts... So in order to arrive at the whole intended truth
, you must have a sincere desire to know and accept the Truth plus a willingness of the heart to accept and obey it! For all those who come with a sincere spirit of seeking the Truth of God in their study of the Bible will find abundance evidence that this is God's Word and gain a true understanding!
Disguise it as you will, the real cause of doubt is unbelief and the failure to surrender your will to that of God through the Holy Spirit, so that you may be able to understand in your heart the real truth!
Christ said: " If any person will do His Will, they shall understated the teaching."
John 7:17
So in stead of questing and caviling concerning that which you do not understand; give heed to the fact that the Light of truth already shines upon you! This is true for all even the highly educated and those whom are most illiterate - that the evidence of God's Work is true to them...
" Ask and you shall receive." John 16:24
His promises will be fulfilled! They never fail as we draw near to Jesus, all our doubt and darkness will pass away in the light of His presence! Amen!!

The take over of the USA

The costumes and masks are starting to slip off at the masquerade ball that is the Obama regime. Every day brings more evidence that our nation is being run by a cabal of traitors who promote and are strongly associated with Islamic fundamentalist groups such as CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood. The most visible example is the usurper in the White House himself.

They are working to subvert our Constitution and our laws and to flood our nation with a replacement population of inferior and more compliant subjects, diluting and destroying American sovereignty in the process. We are now being conditioned to accept other cultures as equal to and in some cases, as with the push towards Islamic Sharia law, superior to our own.

Our nation is being deliberately placed into harm’s way, both through inaction in defensive matters and deliberate subversive action, across the full spectrum of both domestic and international issues. We are under a stealth attack, with the enemy of America residing in many places domestically, including the White House.

Their operations have progressed to the point where they cannot be completely hidden any longer and the Obama regime is resorting to the use of lame and implausible excuses, feigned ignorance or the talk of action rather than action itself to divert attention or buy more time for their schemes. They also often simply ignore the problems rather than addressing them if possible.

They have quickened the pace of some of their operations behind the scenes, particularly at DHS and the State Department, in destructive programs such as those intended to flood our nation with foreigners. Their numbers include a huge increase in Muslim “refugees,” particularly Syrians and others from terrorist nations, upon whom only minimal screening and virtually no background checks are being conducted. We even now accept “refugees” who have in the past supported terrorists, provided it was only to a “limited” degree.


 This is just part of the take over plan - folks!