11 November 2018

An opinion with some fact and question

Miracles From the Vault: Anthology of Underground Cures

** Much of this is rambling on in what is called " extended Argument " form.  While there is some truth it tends to be directed in other directions and thus only gives a limited effect!  This was in answer to a  book " The One Minute Cure "  - which I read and noted it offered a good overview of tips to keep people healthy!  So the review follows:


Roger Dignard Does hydrogen peroxide cure all diseases?

The answer is an emphatic no because hydrogen peroxide furnishes oxygen to the body, and not healing nutrients. No one can live on oxygen alone! So if hydrogen peroxide has destroyed cancer, which I believe it can, but the issue here is why did you get cancer in the first place? And if you are not eliminating the root cause of cancer, then cancer will strike again so you will have to keep taking hydrogen peroxide forever!!  

The secret to curing cancer is to remove the root causes of cancers. Here are the root causes of cancers and many diseases .
(1) malnutrition, The food industry is the biggest killers of humans on planet earth controlled by the Zionist Jews with their New World agenda to reduce the world population and they are doing a superb job in killing millions with their infested foods with chemical preservatives for long shelve lives to preserve their profits! With their artificial growth hormones to make plump turkey and chicken that produces very aggressive cancers and change men into women with their estrogen filled hormones meat and poultry that is destroying your health. 
So throw away ALL cooked canned foods, all packaged foods, and processed foods and dairy products filled with antibiotics, eliminate all foods grown and produced on commercial farms with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and homicide! 

Yes, breakfast cereals having gone through their overheated ovens to make their cereals crispy dry so all oil vitamins A, D, E and K are all evaporated, essential to life! and add their poisoned pasteurized and chemical homogenized milk that a baby calf bottled fed this store bought milk, will die within a month!  Yes, it is a real challenge to find green grass fed beef without the poisons mentioned above. Yet it is available but one must be willing to do research. also, avoid ALL prescription drugs that are killing over 1 million seniors a year in the USA alone!

The (2) and cause of cancers and many other ailments is exposures to poison chemical toxins found in many beauty products, soaps, and shampoos, and tap water and the polluted air we breathe is a real challenge to avoid! 

3rd cause of cancer is exposure to radiation, X rays, alpha and gamma rays and many radiations from cell towers and cell phones. have your cell phone strapped to your hip and have the talking and listening device close to your ear close to your brain to avoid brain cancer! So for your further research to really find the cure to ALL diseases and make your immune system 300 % stronger so you are bulletproof to all pathogens and cure ALL viral infections. all bacteria and parasites without needing hydrogen peroxides go visit Health Sciences Institute web site www.hsibaltimore.com and become a member and learn the true cure to all diseases without taking hydrogen peroxide ever again because your healthy body will produce more than abundant supply of its own hydrogen peroxides naturally to keep you permanently cured of all so-called incurable diseases!!

 Roger Dignard I worked 30 years with a master herbalist curing most deadly diseases without hydrogen peroxide. (less)