Every woe!
Every woe! by kerminator .....
When we learn what is Good and Holy; then what else really matters? Your life is not about stuff, but how you respond to the things written on your heart... Do you reject the prompting of your conscience and push ahead as if you know all the answers? Just remember he who thinks he knows all the answers has not heard all the questions yet!
Date: 6/17/2010 10:32:24 GMT
Every woe in the world began in the Garden of Eden; when Adam and Eve decided that God our Heavenly Father 's keeping was not sufficient! The exact moment they desired something more than the clear and precise Word of God!
a True-ism
We humans have sought to possess any place of supposed security, fighting to protect it! Even drawing others to our keeping. Millions of wars and conflicts have been waged, billions of have been killed, whole nations have been destroyed with the result of being lead into the keep and subjugation of Kings, Rulers, Parliaments and Congresses!
Even our religions reflect the discord! Our Churches try to keep us bound; with creeds and council's to declare who is saved and sanctified! In a sincere attempt to define the unity of Faith, we have drawn lines that further divide us!
If Our heavenly Father's keeping makes us one, then it follows that all of our disunity is the result of being kept by things or beings other than Almighty God! HUH!
It has always been Man's choice; who will you follow or what do you believe?