22 May 2015

Freedom or Slavery ???

Isn't it funny how so many people who have never seen a communist country first hand, extol the virtues of communism?

Look at the mess it made of Russia, China, and Eastern Europe.. 

Don't want of that!

Because anyone who thinks communism is total equality is a fool. 

Do you really believe that your average Russian citizen lived anything like 

Stalin, or the average Romanian lived like Ceausescu, or most of the chinese lived like Mao Zedong

 Of course not even close!

 Communism means that, instead of having a wealthy 1% - 

 who control the majority of wealth, you only have the top 1/10th of 1% 

 who own EVERYTHING!   

  We mean everything...  

 Either you get this or else you suffer under such a controlling system of government... 

 Which is what the United Sates and much of the Free world has been moving toward -  it is that simple; yet some many will seek and accept it because it promises big change...

 The problem is the changes are what we have seen here in the US - 
 ahve been just more control and higher taxes {from whom they can extract more money}  =  less freedom or liberty...  

If you do not any morals and understanding as to the real purpose of your life then this is where the evil socialist systems captures you...  

Actually it is very simple: 

First understand that Almighty God {not any other} created us with a free choice..   The Satan {Evil} came only to lie, steal and destroy - which means no freedom or choice {i.e. Slavery}...

Yes either freedom to decide or else total domination in an Evil controlled system...  

 Which will you choose?