13 February 2014

Paradigm Shift from self-ag·gran·dize·ment ? Part 11

How are you fitting into the Plan and Purpose of God in your life? 

Read and this should help you make a evaluation to then make a Paradigm Shift in your life!! 




  [self-uh-gran-diz-muhnt, self-] 
increase of one's own power, wealth, etc., usually aggressively.

self-ag·gran·diz·ing  [self-uh-gran-dahy-zing]  ,adjective

 Purpose = the object, thing intended;
 fact,faculty, of resolving on something; design or intention!

Louis Lavell wrote:
 " The object of life is the discovery {by deepening of self} of the centre of the self which constitutes the total of our own unique and personal essence {or being}."  

He later added that; " most of us miss this by remaining upon the surface of life things, thinking only in terms of self-aggrandizement! "

This is so true, once you stop to recognize where you are in your life or existence!

** Since so many today live on the surface of things in life;  chasing fads,  jobs, Sports, certain personal achivements and even entertainment events  - that they miss their true purpose if they ever knew it!  

Many people seem to have a self-aggrandizement view of the world!  Mainly pushed by the Mass Media, politicas and even some religions...    This is where each person needs to make checks and reviews as to where they are in their life's purpose! 


The act of just doing something is not the only actual answer, rather it is better to stop periodically and make an accessment of your position...   This is so true all through life.

We are so often taught and prompted to jump into so many things that soon life becomes a blurr of stuff, most of which you do or did not ever need!  So how can you {we} correct or better our existence and future?

It requires a change of direction or a Paradigm Shift!  There is no other way!


 Repentance is a key word here:



  [ri-pen-tns, -pen-tuhns] 
deep sorrow, compunction, or contrition for a past sin,wrongdoing, or the like.
regret for any past action.
1300–50; Middle English repentaunce  < Old French repentance.  repent -ance

non·re·pent·ance, noun

1. contriteness, penitence, remorse. 2. sorrow, qualms.

1. impenitence.


**  Over the years writers have made a distinction between the false self {who we pretend to be} vs  the real self! 

  * The false self is generally made up of of many different elements:

- First and fore most is self-centeredness or plain selfishness... 

- Second is having the a single minded pursuit of wealth or all that money can buy!

- Third is the striving for status, success and power.. i.e. an ego trip!

- Fourth is a quest for many of the things of pleasure, often driven by sexual connotations...

In brief the false self is a completely taken up person with an earthly or creaturely existence!

  * The real self is very different:

 The real self enables us {you} to understand the true nature of our human existence!

 " We are potentially all things; our personality is what we are able to realize of the infinite wealth which our Divine-human nature contains hidden in it's depths. 
 The real self descovers the ' Infinite Wealth ' of our ' Divine Human Nature '...  

This then is intergrated with the 'earthly - creaturely ' and leads to a wholeness, at ease with oneself, and others...  So there is now no longer any need for any pretence or having a cut-throat competition in life!!   


 " With all wisdom and insight He has made known to us the mystery of His Will, according to His Good Pleasure which He set forth in Christ, as a plan for the Fullness of Time. " 
 Ephesians 1:9 & 10


Modus Operandi - Good Friends

 My Modus Operandi.... 
To relish and love good friends....
-  Friends are choices we make on the road of life... 
Don't over look any that GOD placed in your pathway..
Date:   5/9/2005 03:37:09 GMT   Blog was viewed 489,891 times

An ole saying which I remember from my dear Grandmother, who never really owned anything of value, once told me,
 " you do not get to pick your relatives honey, but you do get to pick your friends, so pick them well..." 

 I have tried to follow that advice...

  Most of my life I have been pretty much of a loner, of course I dealt with different people, at school, work and in the real world.  What I seldom did was get into heart to heart talks on the soul level... 

  Growing up as a boy in South Georgia, then along the Gulf Coast of Fla... As I  watched and learned from those around me...   Mostly it was good, never got into any fights, except with my brother [18 mos. younger] up till about 13 years of age....  In Jr. and Senior high school, stayed pretty much to myself, started working after school from 15 on...  
 While in high school did well in track, soccer, and swimming...  Loved to swim, dive which was something I could do by myself.   

 - Back to picking friends.  Always seemed to associate with a few friends, who shared my interests...  Guess that is what many people try to do...  Why
I say that is because a lot of especially young people, seem to not have any direction in life and become camp followers {some what like robots} of certain groups.  Which was a major movement of the fifties, sixties, and somewhat into the seventies. There is still this desire to fit in especially with young people.. 

 -  It was a stupid movement  to get into "Dope", and some was known as "Mary Jane" in high school.... {Look it up if you do not understand}.   As a student of history and an  avid reader, I have come to know the trials and tribulations of "Dope" or drugs! So it never really had any control or desire over me! Was more of an independent operator, using personal choice over group pressure! Was not a joiner, with any clicks or special groups! 

We, my brother and I became involved in the "MYF" at Methodist Youth Fellowship, due to a kindly and very wise retired Doctor, who was a neighbor.    Since earlier training back in south GA, while with my Grandmother, then having joining the church actives during the high school years.  I survived, and grew spiritualy. 

So during my younger years I was what some people would call shy.   Though I never felt I was.  Recently I corresponded with former classmate - a girl, who had sat next to me in French class, and mentioned that I should have ask her out on a date.  She said that she thought I was very nice, but she was too shy to talk to me.  I was about the same, so never really dated any girls in high school.   Did ask one girl who was in 10th grade biology class, but she already had a date to the dance.  Guess the rejection factor was too much for me,  so just learned to interact with girls at the Sunday night youth church get together s...   

In the latter half of the 10th grade, on I had wheels.  This allowed us to go to house parties on Sunday nites,  then got to know a couple dozen girls, and would take them home in the evenings.   Not bad for a shy white boy....  Remained a virgin through high school..  {Gee unheard of in these days of quickies and endless hookups!}  Not really bad, did not have the present day pressure of sexual intercourse to contend with.   Which as you know it is one of those things that once it gets turned on it is difficult to control.  So my friends were rather general, it was a simple relationship...  A few hugs and kisses... so to speak... 

 Then I joined the "Forces a Float" - better known as the US NAVY..  Of course that was a " listen up boy, or your are in a lot of grief " type military relationship, but being a quick study, learned how to get Thouth that phase of my life....  {will discuss my very eventful Navy years in a  blog later} There were some times, many of which were very unique...   Had a few friends or comrades while in the floating forces...  Saw the world on three different destroyers, then got out with honorable discharge, still a virgin.  

 You may ask how does that happen, well there were opportunities to fornicate, but did not yield to the temptations though came close a couple of times...  There are things a male can do to get self sexual release/relief [if you are confused or just do not have a clue, reply or email me].  By the way did have a few dates while in Navy, but being gone [underway/steaming] on ships -  very much limited ones exposure to the opposite sex...  There were opportunities!! 

Once out of the Navy, worked (no one can say I was lazy) and used the G.I.Bill  to attend college....  Since I was a few years older than most of other students, and had to work, social life was limited...  Plus I was somewhat of a hot rod freak, so the car became my love for that moment in time.  Kind of a my car and me thing!   Met and still correspondence with a couple of friends from those years..   So I was not a complete zero, as some would think....

Well then got involved in a relationship with a married woman, [OK I knew what was happening] for an over nite fling, but bailed out of that.  Then within weeks, it was wonderful how GOD works in your life, I (met and within three months married my wife...  God, knew I could not stand any further delay in my mating desires and drive.  Married over forty years, have had several thousand sexual| relations with my wife, so it has worked out for the best.    

Now I am a very outgoing person, some people have said that I never have never met a stanger.   In fact I speak to just about everyone!   My wife says I am rather nosey.  The thing about dealing with people is that it becomes a science of love if you actually put your heart into your actions.   Over the past twenty years, I have been putting my heart into knowing and there by loving them for who they are.   Even when they are really different. 

As we travel Through this life, GOD places people on our pathway.  We are all on a pathway through this life, so it behooves us to watch and pray that we recognize those who are placed upon our pathway.   I have had that opportunity several times in my life.  Each is different, but requires that we get to know these souls, who are placed in our paths.  

 Recently, I met such a person who I would now call a close friend.  Like so many things in life it was not planned.  Just a reply from an blog message.  The person was and still is some what of a mystery. I almost dropped this person, but then GOD gave me an avenue of recourse; I am grateful for the opportunity to serve a fellow human being.  Remember GOD places - we react.
This is what friendship is about it is the essence of life..  Being a good neighbor, don't just know what a person does, that is not who they are or what they do as an occupation... i.e. the baker, shoe shine bay, teacher, or policeman.  You should get to know people on the personal level, look into their eyes and sincerely ask.  How are you, I mean you personally today?  
 Is GOD in your life, and is there anything I can help do to become a friend?   That is learning to choose friends. 
Choose well, because not everyone will allow you to know them and become a true friend in this life.  Believe me I know.  It hurts to not become a friend and acquaintance, but it happens.

May I wish you the best of luck, in all your dealings. Therefore engage people sincerely, and ask what can I do for you with a warm and open heart. 

  GOD will bless you for that. Until next time,  stay tuned for words of wisdom, truth, and social intercourse....