Decide if you are ready for life...
Most of us go through life afraid to be ourself.... We wait for the approval of others, and try to do what ever it takes to fit into their mold.... Following will always leave you in second best, this should never be someones life goal....
We each have a free agency, and there are times that we must do what ever it takes to be ourself.... You can't be responsible for the thought and actions of others... Even if you so desired!! DUH!! Each person has the right and ability to decide when and where they will do something... You and I have no control over their thoughts and their actions....
Lets get our mind and brain in order so we can make correct decisions that will have a positive effect... If you are confused or need more information, go to.... "Brain Boot Camp" by kerminator..... Go to your favorite search engine or google.... There are a number of quality articles, on improving your brain power....
We will see you later.... K