Concierge of your soul....
Concierge The French word concierge is likely derived from the Old French cumcerges, itself related to the Medieval Latin consergius[1] or the Latin conservus ("fellow slave").[
A similar position, known as the portero, exists in Spanish-speaking regions. In medieval times, the concierge was an officer of the king who was charged with executing justice, with the help of his bailiffs. Later on in the 18th century, the concierge was a high official of the kingdom, appointed by the king to maintain order and oversee the police and prisoner records.
How are living your life today?
We all are responsible to recognize certain rules or limits in our life... The purpose is to set boundaries or guard rails which help us to plot our path toward the best or more rewarding places..
Each of us have been given a free agency {or power to choose} by God- therefore it is imperative for us to become the concierge of our existence... To be successful it is necessary of you to seek and find the proper limits and your God given purpose... Once we get this area of our life under control things will move more smoothly! Not always perfect or exactly as we may want it but definitely in better order and moving toward a more Blessed reward!
One of the main problems of the modern society is the large number who seem to wonder through life, in a careless manner with out any real boundaries... We see them as street gangs, or other groups who spend most of their energy attempting to get {take} stuff and seek reckless pleasures...
Many of these people are born into this deprived situation and come to repeat or live this devastated life style... Yet this is not what Our Lord God had planned for us... Each of us is born with a Divine desire {most people recognize this but do not know how to use it} to seek and return to God! This is much like a homing pigeon or the salmon who follow the desire to return home or the place of their beginning - birth -or home. Therefore each of us should seek or destiny....
Have you taken time to seek your divine pathway?
If not then become the Concierge of self... Which is to learn how to direct your pathway...