19 February 2015

New view the Truth?

  ***  Contrary to postmodern thought, we do not create truth—we discover it. Belief does not determine reality—reality exists apart from belief.

The Postmodern Age: Create Your Own Truth

Postmodernism is a worldview that asserts that external, absolute truth—that is, truth that is true for all people, in all places, and at all times—cannot be known through reason or science because truth is either nonexistent or unknowable. Postmodern thought asserts that experience is more reliable than reason, and the idea of truth is created rather than discovered.
In a nutshell, postmodernists say, “If it’s true for you, then it’s as true as it needs to be.”

Postmodernism now shapes the attitudes of our society as a whole, even though most people don’t even know the meaning of the word. Don’t be surprised to meet many adults or even Christians who are reluctant to draw a line between right and wrong or to affirm a belief in absolute truth. They have adopted a postmodern mindset without bothering to check whether it is based in absolute truth—or if it even needs to be. Perhaps, if pressed, they might offer an explanation that borders on New Age mysticism.

Contrary to postmodern thought, we do not create truth—we discover it.

Belief does not determine reality—reality exists apart from belief. Our belief in the truth merely brings us into alignment with it and activates its power in our lives.

Absolute truth is an objective reality that exists totally independent of what anyone thinks or feels about it. Truth is real and solid whether or not we choose to believe it, just as Mount Everest is real and solid whether or not we choose to climb it.