What ever??
What Liberals & Conservatives Generally Do In Certain Situations:
If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't` eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy.
If a liberal sees a foreign threat, he wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.
If a conservative see a need in the world they will try to find a equatable way to achieve, having people work out a solution! Generally requiring personal action by those who need or will benefit from such activity!
If a liberal sees a problem , they will generally come up with a plan to use other people's time and money; taking credit for any improvement real or not!
A thinking - God fearing Conservative; believes that all people have free choices and while they may not agree with all of the other person's choices - they respect the person's right of failure with regret. Hoping to educate or convenience these people that there is a better way!
The anti-God {as exemplified by the current US - Democratic Party system today} liberal will move to crush, or attack any and all who do not accept their plans...
{ Notice certain religions (like Islam), and many controlling world governments, and some socialist political systems.}
Then it all comes down to who will show mercy and compassion - upon those who do not share their view and not try to force other people to pay or support things which are against their will or desires...
If a conservative reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A liberal will most likely delete this because he's "offended".
{ Then want more laws passed to stop this from ever happening again...}
Control is of the Devil - Satan
Free Will choice is from Almighty God!
The Conservative mind set is to allow freedom to ring out and then have any consequences follow!
Because laws have never stopped any crime or sin {Ex. it has been a crime against robbery and murder - yet even though there have been such laws for thousands of years - it still occurs...
You need to change the hearts and minds of people to correct their wayward sinful - crime filled lives...
Christianity is the best plan from The Lord God that has ever been given mankind!
The laws like the 10 Commandments were given to show that we can not live them and therefore need to have a Savior - Jesus, who lives the perfect example to follow...
Because God:
1) Is Love therefore we come to love because He first loved us...
2) We need to learn to show mercy, because God has shown us mercy!
3) We should come to the truth of God's Grace so that we will understand how it allows us to be free...
4) Self centeredness is the main cause of most of the grief in the world...
5) Faith and true Belief in the Lord God is the only real answer to gaining a Blessed Eternal Heavenly existence...
6) If we can not beyond our petty disagreements in this life there will only be an eternal isolation for us!
** These are some thinking points to hopefully get you to consider your future! Amen!