18 February 2006

Dare to do the seemingly impossible....

" It is far better to dream and dare to do the mighty and seemingly impossible things in life.... Thus overcoming opposition, challenges, and adversity.... To win glorious triumphs, even though often checked by failures...
Than to merely rank with the poor souls in this life who neither enjoy much or suffer any... Because they live in a gray twilight zone that knows neither victory or defeats! "
Theodore Roosevelt...

The power of passion and power positive thinking; will forever overcome your fears of inadequacy...

Just remember that it is your efforts that will make your faith a reality!! What you do in this life will over shadow what you wanted to do!! And what you did in this life; will leave your footprints on the pages of history....

"In dreams and in love there are not any impossibilities..." Jonos Arary

Think on these things, and then take action to make the rest of your life better, friend...
See Ya... K