14 April 2014


  **  Mind Managed Media!

This is where most all of the world exist today in one instance or another! 

We {you} are under this New World Order of Elites who think that they can rule everything!

This is the mind controller media which is constantly pushing people into a very small place of existence!   

If you- doubt this either you have been in a comma or else your brain power is that of a rock! 

The whole of this part is that many people are followers and do not want to rock the boat or cause waves!


Most of this is directed or caused by  continual bombardment of Data - Propaganda or statistics which do not require any real thought! 

 You are rewarded by being able to enjoy some limited pleasures {Most which are just so much  fluff}; things that seem like you really need them or have been promoted in Ads or in mass media  to cause desire!  If you were to look at how the General world views pushed in the entertainment industry, or the propaganda from both Corporations and Governments; it is easy to see the pattern of control! 
People are allowed just some limited freedoms yet they are being regulated by the Big Picture of greed and evil design!  

**   Stop a minute if you dare and notice what drives most people today?

- Most is greed, or the want for more, then a desire or promise of reward or pleasure!

 Can you really dispute this?   

 No because it is part of the 3M  = Mind Managed Media ....

 It is a control system which only actually rewards certain Elite persons or else the few controlling politicians!      
**  The rest of the population is controller  or managed  by the world system!

 Check it out!