16 November 2018

Become a learner

Matthew 26:55 "In that same hour said Jesus to the multitudes, Are ye come out as against a thief with swords and staves for to take me? I sat daily with you teaching in the temple, and ye laid no hold on me."

The four gospels refer to Jesus teaching 43 times, preaching 19 times, and preaching and teaching in the same verse, six times. This indicates that Jesus spent twice as much time teaching as He did preaching. Teaching is the basic building block for making disciples. Jesus was making disciples, not just converts.

The Greek word for "disciple" literally means "a learner," and indicates "learning by endeavor" or what we would call "on-the-job training." Jesus said in John 8:31, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed." Anyone who meets this criterion is Jesus' disciple.

"Jailhouse religion," where a person is only sorry he got caught and is trying to get out of a bad situation, will not produce true discipleship. It takes a forsaking of all to be Jesus' disciple. Jesus wants us to "count the cost." It is definitely a commitment.

What the Lord has started in you, He will also continue and complete. That is not to say that your success will be automatic; we have to cooperate with what God is wanting to do in our lives.
 Our faithfulness may always be suspect, but God's faithfulness is never in question. It is always God's will to continue and complete the good work He began in us.

In the beginning - you?

Blog: My Unusual Road of Life....
by kerminator
In the beginning - You?
** Our brain is a prediction engine that builds knowledge and generally gets smarter as it better aligns what it needs to meet the demands of the existing environment. **

Date:   11/14/2018 9:09:10 PM   ( 38 h ) ... viewed 20 times

In the beginning - You?

When you were young and ignorant, there wasn't much information to understand, so you mostly had unconstrained inputs from the external world introduced into your thought patterns, but as you get older, you should start to filter through this variety for hopeful usefulness, in order to start making better decisions.

You create mental concepts in your mind about what is important and what is not, and then these concepts shape your future perceptions by using the already-selected knowledge to further select knowledge.

The key is to find a reliable way to filter this input data! This is your evolving thought chain with development to use or control your thoughts and actions!

This entire process is mostly intuitive, and is updating can be either pain/pleasure, which tells your body that a certain perception with your corresponding reaction should either be reinforced or not.

But some forms of experience on the pain/pleasure axis like surprise and we can be used to intentionally tell your mind that something unexpected was experienced, too, encouraging you to consciously readjust the conceptual model.

Whether you are learning to play a sport or simply trying to create a more accurate mental model of reality in your mind, you are working with a variety of experiences, and within those experiences, you have to choose and reinforce the ones that are the most useful to you.

In this way, everything that you do is essentially an experiment that gets refined and corrected with experience and practice. Yet there is a higher and better way to live your life!

The difference between you and, say, a professional people is almost certain that they have a genome that makes them more suitable to play their sport or activity, or even more importantly, they have intuitive knowledge embedded in their brain from all of the predictive experience they have refined in their life. This becomes a general sense for what works and what doesn’t.

{i.e. based upon Experience }

The same can be said for many great artists and scientists, entrepreneurs and investors, or many otherwise everyday folks who do what they do well.

Our brain is a prediction engine that builds knowledge and generally gets smarter as it better aligns what it needs to meet the demands of the existing environment. Most often it is a building block of knowledge and experience which tend to help mold people's lives!

What you do with your life is based totally upon the who, what and when you respond to the suppositions and occurrences that develop in your life! We will not be able to stand before the Judge Bar of God in the last day and claim ignorance or blame someone else!

Learn to seek the truth and allow it to guide you to the Whole Truth of the gospel of Christ which gives us all the material and ways to live a moral and then Blessed Existence! Seek the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness - then the other things in your life will be taken care of!

What guides you? 1

How to deal with those around you daily!  

(1 Corinthians 5:9- 11)

Paul addresses the roles of true believers in the Church. He reiterates a former message that he had given on relationships with those in the Church who continue to live a loose moral existence! 

 He points out that we are not to be unbelievers who live in a depraved state of many sins and loose morals values! You can not live in the world without being with people living in these conditions! What Paul meant was not to keep company with such people, who also claim to be a true believer in the church! 

Avoid those who indulge in sexual sin, or is greedy, or a swindler, or worships the any of the world's idols, or is a drunkard, or is abusive. 
** Don't even eat lunch with such people!

While it is not our job to judge others outside the church in the world! 
It is our position to address and deal with members of the True Church who are sinning in those ways.     

Remember that it is God alone who judges all such persons!

Seek the Kingdom of God in your life and  His Righteousness {Jesus Christ} and all the other things will be added unto you!  Matt 6:33