02 February 2006

Death on the loose!!

This wonderful spider was found in our lower bathroom... It is now among the dearly departed... Look on www.curezone.com, under "Home" select Images; under blogs, open folder "kerminator" and you will see some more pics on this wonderful spider, and the effects it can have on your life... This one will change your life if you let it... DUH!!
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December Afternoon in Georgia, 2005

January is my birth month, and the weather was nice in North Georgia.. As you can see fron the picture from my back deck... This is what we like about the south!!
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Black Slaver??

Posted by Picasa This is a piece of history... Not that you have to agree with it, just come to understand that people did things different back years ago... There is nothing we can do about it now, so just get over it, and read the story of a "Black Slaver".... That is correct... This is from an newspaper in England.... The truth is what it is.... Like it or not... See ya... K

Warmth of home!!

Posted by Picasa The warmth of home calls us all... There is something about a nice cherry fire that warms the heart... We have one on most cold days down here is Dixie... So our advice to you is to just sit back some time and watch the fire crackling... It will do the heart good... See Ya... K

Tampa Bay Island Nov .'05

On an island, w. my youngest brothers two sons; Chas 16 on left, and Matt 8 knealing... Uncle Kermit in the hat.... There was also a large hog on the island behind us... My wife was out on the boat, and my brother was taking the pics.... Weather was nice for November...

What you observe in life is, first the apparent, then the less obvious, and finally the most personal and usually secrete parts of people's lives... It is through all these different parts that we see the total person, for whom he or she is.... Our whole existence is based on how we intercourse or interface with the others who are placed in our pathway of life...

This is life in the nut shell so to speak... Who do you really know?? How do you actually interface with them?? What have you done to help, aid or assist someone lately?? This will be the sum of your life, dear friend, so plan to make it your best effort, remember results only come from efforts...

Efforts, can be physical, mental, or spirital... That is actual doing something, physical labor, or through thoughts and actions... Prayer, dreams, and medication, also are included in this endevior... "We should try to make this (where ever you are) a better place for your having been there... " or a part of some activity, or group effort... There is a key to life here friend, think on it!! HUH!! Posted by Picasa