Spiritual Maxims !
Let us look to God with these eyes of Faith. When He is within us; we don't need to seek Him elsewhere. We have only ourselves to blame if we turn from God, occupying ourselves instead with the trifles of life. Because in His patience, the Lord endures our weakness. Even so, just think of the price we pay by being separated from His presence!
The most Holy and necessary practice in our spiritual life is the presence of God. We must try to converse with God in little ways while we work during the day; not in memorized prayers, not trying to recite previously formed thoughts. Rather we should purely and simply reveal our hearts as the words come to us...
We must do everything with great care, avoiding impetuous actions, which are evidence of a disordered spirit. God wants us to work gently, calmly, and lovingly with with Him, asking Him to accept our work. By this continual attention to God, we will come to resist the Devil and cause him to flee...