09 June 2009

Good & Better

Somethings learned in South Georgia many years ago... Most are still relevant today!

See if you agree with these True-isms:

"Life is given to be enjoyed, learn to use it wisely!"

"Enjoy you travel down the pathway of life, it is only one way, one time, with one chance to be successful!"

"Remember we all have far too much to be sad!"

"Eating, and Intercourse were meant to be enjoyed with another person never alone!"

"Work will never take care of us when we are sick or disabled, only friends will!"

"Whether the situation you are in is good or bad, remember it will change!"

"What ever others think of us is never under our control!"

"Try to Learn something new every day!"

"A day you do not learn something new is a day wasted!"

"Make peace with your past, do not let it ruin your future!"

"Mankind was made to be happy and satisfied; not miserable and wretched!"

Some good advice! HUH!