05 May 2019

The Blood of Jesus alive!

Some questions from the testimonial of:
April 6, 1996
In Ephesians 1:10 it says: "In the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him:"  
Then in Matthew I believe it is, He says "that when the fullness of the time has come, God sent forth His Son." 
 God has everything on a time schedule, right.  And the time to show that has not come yet, and so we are showing all we have here so that people who love the Holy Spirit can know and believe.  When they deal with the fact that the blood of Christ fell on the Mercy Seat, that settles that for them.  They are content to wait for the rest until God reveals it..

However, God has given more information on that matter.  When the first National Mark of the Beast Law is passed and made law, which will be contrary to God's Eternal Law, then the Tables of Stone containing God's Law will be put on public display.  And it will be explained to everyone on this earth, that we have a choice, we can keep the Commandments of God and receive the Seal of God in our forehead, or we can keep the commandments of men and receive the Mark of the Beast in our forehead, or we can know better but just go along with these laws until a more convenient time, and receive the Mark in our hand.  It will be made very clear at that point in time.  Everything is ready as soon as God is ready, as soon as these laws are passed.

Folks, many of you have read that God's last message will go with such power and persuasiveness, that even the most determined opponents will have to stand back in silence until it is finished.  
Meanwhile, in the back halls of earthly governments, they will be formulating at best, laws contrary to the Laws of God, and these will be imported on the human family.  We are also told that at some point before the end comes, all will be commanded to bow down and to worship Satan, who will be coming to this earth looking very much like Christ as described in Revelation, and will claim to be Christ.  You see he is the ultimate antichrist, everyone else has just been his puppets.  So these are the things that face us and for which God will give us the strength necessary to endure when the time comes.
How will the Jews respond when they finally hear and understand fully the truth about Christ, was graphically illustrated to me when I took the dried blood sample, to a lab. Which had been was collected from the cover on the Ark of the Covenant needed to be analyzed by the a lab in Jerusalem to determine  whether it was human or animal blood. 
At first they did not want to do this, thinking I was crazy, but finally consented to do it. After they tested it, they were the ones who went crazy. 
After reconstituting it and letting it sit for 24 hours, they were astonished at what they saw. The blood was moving and dividing. It was alive. They were astonished at the 24 chromosome count instead of 46 which is normal. 
They asked me excitedly whose blood that was. I asked if it was animal or human blood. They said it was human, but pressed me as to whose blood it was. I responded that it was the blood of their Messiah. They went crazy, pulling at their hair, pounding on the lab tables and crying out. I had not expected such a response.
 When they calmed down some, they then asked me who their Messiah was.
 I told them the blood was that of Jesus of Nazareth whom their ancestors had crucified. This incident showed me what will happen when all the world's Jews hear the news about the Ark and the blood of Jesus on the Mercy Seat.  
It will be mass hysteria!