04 July 2015

You know people say they pray

 Terri Tippins   { a facebook post 04 July 2015} 

You know people say they pray......some people say they pray a lot. What are you praying and how are you praying?

 One man says, I pray that someone takes Obama out. Yikes! Some peoples 'righteous hate' simmers below without ever surfacing......... Others well, they feel confident enough to make an announcement like that in a House of God (which is where I heard that!). Sometimes our own worst enemies are ourselves. 

We don't want revival we want God to reign down hell-fire on the people we hate.

 America sold out to the almighty dollar long before the New Kid on the Block (President Obama). Who weeps or grieves anymore for anyone else? 

We slap God in the face when we say we pray in one breath and then hate in the other. Bitter/Sweet fountain my friend.
 I remember just a while ago where Putin was being praised for being a better leader (here on Facebook) then our President. Double-minded. We need to quit playing spiritual games. They are dangerous. 

I would like to think that America is too young to die. But reality teaches us that death shows 'no' favorites. Backsliding away from God doesn't happen over night. 

The pain that America is suffering is mostly self inflicted. Thinking that we are wise we actually have become fools ( and that did not start with Obama). Celebrate today by REALLY PRAYING (out of a pure heart) for our Country and our President.......and our families and our friends and our enemies. 

I think you get the idea. Actually make it a two day celebration! 
smile emoticon