26 November 2014

A prisoner's prayer Part 1 of 4

A person can still be productive even in a prison -
An example of St Paul's prison letters were certainly unique even when in a Roman prison as follows:

His requests were not for material or physical things rather they centered upon far more important Spiritual Blessing toward others...  There in his letter to the church in Colossae he came to pray about some false teaching in three parts!
Found in Colossians 1:9-12.

 He prayed for Spiritual Intelligence (Col. 1:9) :

There were many false teachings which promised the Colossian believers that they would be in " in the know " if they accepted their new doctrines..  Using words like wisdom, special knowledge and other spiritual understanding were the jest of their program. Satan is deceptive and will borrow and blend the use of certain key words to crate another false meaning.
** This is evident today as false teachings spread questionable ideas to dilute the original Gospel message!  Only prayer and staying with the original Bible messages will stop these false messages...

Since the believers had come to know and accept the Gospel of Christ; Paul wrote " ... and knew the grace of Good in truth."  Col. 1.6 
" You do not need a new spiritual experience, you only need to grow in the experience you have already had." Then in Col.2:10 " And you are complete in Him "  then Paul added - Do not look for something new, just continue to grow in that which you received in the beginning.

While every Christian believer needs to know or have " the knowledge of His Will."  {The Greek word translated " knowledge" carries the meaning of " a full knowledge"  - therefore no one has a perfect knowledge we move from grace to grace...


Why all the lies???

Why the Islamic lies??
*** Consider the truth if you will : Everything in the Christian/Jewish Bible is being authenticated by archeology. ***

Date:   11/25/2014 7:32:17 PM   ( 44 s æ ) ... viewed 0 times

Even after Allah confirmed the Torah and Gospel, Islamic Mullahs and Imams have tried to sell the lie that the Christian Gospels and Jewish Torah have been corrupted.

This a complete lie!

This lie is perpetuated by Islam, because of all the historic, scientific, and simple mathematical errors in the Koran/Qur'an - as you'll see below...

The Qur'an just doesn't add up.

"They" could not have changed the Christian Gospels after Muhammad, since there are 5,735 (Welte, 2003) manuscripts of the whole or part of the Greek text of the New Testament (Injil) pre-dating Muhammad still in existence. Worldwide, there are 24,800 copies of these original manuscripts. These include the Codex Vaticanus (325-350 AD) located in the Vatican library and the Codex Siniaticus (350 AD) located in the British Museum. There are also 80,000 quotations in the works of early Christian writers which are so extensive that the New Testament could virtually be reconstructed from them without the actual New Testament documents.

Then there is the obvious fact that the Christian Gospels were so widely distributed both before and after Muhammad, that any attempt to change (add/subtract) something in the Christian Gospels would have resulted in immediate discovery and condemnation. Additionally, the New Testament was handed down from apostolic times and its genuineness was guarded by Christian churches, and it was zealously watched by enemies of Christianity.

A very wide protest would have resulted from both sides were it tampered with. Likewise, the Septuagint edition of the Old Testament was always in the hands of both Christians and Jews, both rivals in religion. Any attempts to change this by either side would have been vigorously attacked.

There are four more "safeguards" for the integrity of the Bible.
- (1) Jesus Himself read from Isaiah scroll in a Synagogue in Nazareth and declared it as Scripture (inspired from God), Luke 4:16-21;

- (2) The Dead Sea scrolls, found in 1947, verified the Jewish Torah back to 100 AD to 200 BC, when they were copied. Prior to this discovery, the oldest Torah dated to the 9th century AD. The Dead Sea scroll of Isaiah verified almost exactly the Isaiah scroll copied in the 9th century;

- (3) Early Church Fathers like Ignatius, Clement of Rome, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Irenaeus, who wrote from between 90-160 AD all cited in their writings Christian Gospel accounts (Guthrie, 1990, page 24);

- (4) We know that the writings of Moses were preserved as far back as 621 BC. 2 Kings 22 speaks of this at the time of the Israeli King Josiah. Ezra 7:14, Nehemiah 8:1-18, and Jeremiah 36 also speaks of the Jews maintaining Scripture.


Some versions of the Bible from 1881 differ in a few words here and there. However, the essential theological points remain the same and are complete. Bibles we recommend, that have not changed are:
Protestants original Authorized King James (1611)
Catholics Catholic Douay Reims - older versions

The Christian Bible predates Muhammad and Islam by more than 575 years. The Jewish Torah predates Muhammad and Islam by 1,000 - 3,000 years.
Muhammad said for Muslims to read the Bible for "Guidance and Light." For Islam to say they are corrupted, then is to call Muhammad a liar for recommending it.

The same Bible Muhammad would have seen (if he ever did) is in both
- (1) The Vatican (Codex Vaticanus) and (2) British Museum (Codex Sinaticus). It is all there, including Jesus dying on the cross as atonement for our sins. And, His resurrection, and ascension into heaven - in front of many witnesses.

The New Testament is preserved in almost perfect condition in these two Greek texts which both predate Muhammad and Islam by over 200 years.

Everything in the Christian/Jewish Bible is being authenticated by archeology. Consider the Babylonian cylinder inscription of Nabonidus (thought to be the last king of Babylon) which commemorates the reconstruction of a ziggurat at Ur by Nabonidus and records a prayer to Belshazzar (Daniel 5) his son 'the firstborn son, the offspring of my heart'. Not only does this prove that Belshazzar was indeed a member of the Babylonian royal family, which had long been disputed, but it also explains why Daniel is told he could be the third ruler (with Nabonidus and Belshazzar more or less acting as co-regents).

Also, consider the 'chariot wheels' divers found in the Red Sea, proving the Hebrew Exodus from Egypy was real; and that the Egyptian army chasing the Jews was drowned by God (Yahweh), just as was recorded in the Jewish Bible.

Chariot wheels found in the Red Sea (Gulf of Aqaba)
** By Ron Wyatt 1987
see chariot wheels @ http://WWW.arcdiscovery.com

  Plus there is much more that we can publish!

** --------------------------------

Muslims should note that nowhere in the Qur'an there is even a suggestion that the Christian Biblical text has been altered or corrupted. The word "tahrif" is never used with reference to the Christian Gospels (Injil). The Qur'an occasionally accuses the Jews of altering their Scripture (like in Surah 5:13); but it never levels this accusation at Christians. It in no way implies that the text of the Gospel of Jesus (Injil) has been corrupted.

In fact, the Qur'an attests to the validity of the Christian Gospels, Zabur (Psalms) and the Torah.

** So it appears that The Koran or those who read it are way off base!