25 April 2006

Don't pile too much on your plate at one time!!

This is some of the best advice you can receive...
People over the years have tended to take on more than they can deliver... This causes ill will between self and those who believed you would be able to complete the task as promised....

I too have been unable at times to deliver as promised... This is because we try to do too much.. It sounds good; but in actually it can not be done...
We will look at some examples, and even get to some suggestions on how to manage your time and commitments better.... Stay tuned and I will cover more on the above...
We say to ourselves; "I will just borrow the money, and pay it back when I am making more .." First fallacy is that the burden of interest and stress of payments plus the cost of inflation usually never make the repayment easy and safe.. Many times we over extend ourselves, and many people are going into deep financial trouble today... Debt is a form of salavery.... You are in bondage to the lender... HUH!!

BTW: Three things that break up marriages most are:
1) Financial or money
2) Children related, sometime In-law or Relative related
3) Sexual problems... Mainly affairs

We all like to help others, but there is some limit to how thin we can spread ourselves... Many times this is done to the breaking point... Therefore we should try to keep some perspective on our time allotments.. This will allow us to stay balanced and on a more even keel...

Back later...

See Ya... K