02 August 2015

SS what? Part 1 of 3

  • Yes - I have known this for years - the real problem began under Demo - Prez LBJ in 1964 with his great " Society " programs -
    while running both " Guns and Butter " {an economic term} during the Vietnam conflict...  ** He started borrowing from the SS fund and blowing money on his vast welfare programs - all the while fighting the Viet Nam War full bore!

    It has just gone down hill since...
    The worse part is that now we have people who vote just to get more gov't money...
    Well it looks like the gravy train is running out of track and headed for a Big Train wreck very soon... Then we will see many sad folks...

    - Kator
    US Government Has Borrowed Trillions From Social Security Trust Fund: http://bit.ly/1d9zvCO

  • Linda -  So, how do we get control of 'OUR' money back?

  • Kator - Linda  - Kick out all the Socialist spenders and get some sanity back in the Gov't...

  • Andy  the nasty Little secret is neither sides admits to it so when they talk about "the debt" as one debt all owed to foreign investors when in fact foreign debt is a small (percentage wise) as its IOU's to SSI and medicare..  Then they set it up under the general fund so they can plunder... thus the end was set in motion

    Kator -  Andy -  The workings in Big Gov't is so complicated that no one can tell who or what is the truth or who did what...

  • Kevinl I did know this. They've been stealing off of it for years.

    Kator - Kevin - May be hard to believe - yet it has happened! 

  • Al  We need a leader that will take steps to reduce our national debt https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stealth-Defense/125179000872429?ref=hl
  • Jackie  Congress borrowed from the fund over the years and can't pay it back.

    Kator - Jackie - Yes, yet they could repay it if they stopped the B.S. and payouts.

  • Andy  Big storm a comin...

    Kator-  Andy - So true...

  • Stephen  · Friends with Jackie
    The Congress has been lying about Social Security for ages and has been stealing from the trust fund for longer than they can remember. If OUR money were being saved and invested in really reliable and profitable investments instead of WORTHLESS GOVERNMENT IOUs there would be no need to worry.

    Kator -  Stephen  So true...

  • Derosnec  SS has been part of the "General Fund" which Congress draws upon... for a very long time. It NEVER was "insurance" in any form.

    Kator - Derosnec  - Yes especially since 1964 under LBJ... With Congress spending!

  • Bob  Theft of SS funds started with Johnson and has been a fall back for every admin and congress since.

    Kator - Bob - True...

  • Fred  The fed does NOTHING to generate money. Big government survives on taxpayer dollars only. They survive only by shaking down folks who work.

    Kator - Fred -  Yes,  The Gov't does not lov you and it's only income is taking money from the actual working citizens or aliens - plus Fines, Licenses and Fees paid and all money that is collected by Business and Corporations are used to run the whole Gov't expenditures... 
    It all comes from actual working tax paying people one way or the other...  

  • B.F.· Friends with Al
    The SSI program, by any other name is a Ponzi scheme. 
    The government, under FDR, the Gov't saw that retiring workers were outnumbered and replaced by younger workers by around 6:1 in the 1930s. This was before the widespread use of antibiotics and better medicine that would come later. Since many workers never lived long enough to retire (or died within 5-6 years of retirement age) planners thought there would always be surplus funding.

    The money was never allocated to any kind of trust fund or account, although your earnings and your social security payments were tabulated on paper. But as anyone knows, leaving piles of cash where Congress can get to it  kind of like furnishing whiskey and car keys to teenagers 

    (H/T to P.J.O'Rourke).

    By the time we reached LBJ, the SSA was already being robbed.

     LBJ just accelerated it greatly with his "Great Society". Under LBJ and the Democrat controlled Congress of the 60s, new benefits were added to the program. If you died prematurely your minor children could draw on your money for a college education for example. Disability payments were added for those who couldn't work from illness or injury. 

    The "enlightenment" of the 60s also started the ZPG movement (zero population growth) and those who were wartime babies and early baby boomers had fewer kids -- fewer future workers to support the retirees. Money was used to offset large deficits in the 60s as the  Viet Nam war escalated. Congress has kicked the can down the road, avoiding facing up to the reality of a huge liability for baby boomers and their children when they retire.

    Kator - B.F.  While you are close to the truth there is much more dark and sinister actives to explore before the Dragon is revealed and killed...

  • Rick  The need to start drawing from the Welfare pool. There are millions of people that are living off Welfare as a free ride because they are too damn lazy to work. They need to strip them off of their welfare and make them go to work especially all of these welfare queens that keep having children because the govt. pays them for each kid.

    Kator - Rick   Yes - the SS system has become a Political Whore using the good Tax payers money...  The modern Welfare system has done more to destabilize the country than almost everything else  -  all in the name of helping people {Actually helping the Politicians stay in power}..

  • Al  This is a good example of why many people are thinking about Trump https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stealth-Defense/125179000872429?ref=hl
  • Clay  The bizarre aspect of this is that government officials seem to just about always blame social security for problems that they created and they have promised many times to leave the fund alone but do not follow through!

    Kator -  Clay - So true - why because SSI is an entity and under the control of Congress so easy to blame!

  • Donna  This makes me sick. If we just got back the money we put into the program we would be way ahead of the game. Instead, they (the government) have STOLEN our money and continue to do so. How they can cash their paychecks is unbelievable. I wish they had to live on what they give me and I have worked HARD all my life.

    Kator -  Donna -  Yes, it has been stolen and misused to make some politicians rich and powerful...   I just hope to be able to get what they took from me over the years!   May God continue to Bless You all... 

  • Gerald  They stole money from it to finance wars.

    Kator -  Gerald  - this and much more...

    ** Just remember Evil is as Evil does!!