06 March 2014

What is a facade?

 Knowing the truth, seeing the truth then still believing all their lies is the example of ignorance and/or stupidity on a level that is unimaginable.

 Have most people's brains in America been fooled into an inability to think or discern the real truth?  
Does any one understand what is a lie, or what is the difference between good and evil? 
 What is real, honest and truthful and what is total nonsense?

 How can only a  few tell the difference? 
What is entertainment and what is actual real life?
What is a charade? 
What is a facade?
What is fake and phony? 
What is acting?

Reasoning has become so seriously flawed because - so many are too self-delusional, ignorant, agenda-filled and distorted to even come to realize how insane they sound as they keep talking, twisting, lying, deflecting and destroying anything and,everything of real value!!