11 December 2015

Detox Scam part 2

Some of what I write may sound amusing, but it’s all been forged by a truly indescribable and immeasurable amount of pain, hurt, and agony. If you want to possess a quality that will bring you real success and/or happiness in life, it is the unconditional compassion for those who are suffering through the same pain, everyday of their life, trying to barely cope with it all and act as if everything is cool. Only once you start to grasp how much pain someone may be in or have been through, will you have the context through which you can judge them, and only then, will you know that, if there’s anyone to judge, it’s yourself. And once your compassion allows you to finally truly love and fully accept someone (including, in many cases, your parents, ex-partners, perceived enemies, competitors, etc.,) in spite of all the very seemingly perfectly valid reasons you have for resenting them or watching them burn to the ground, you will have arrived, and achieved a level of enlightenment and “success” that billions of humans live and die everyday without ever dreaming of reaching.
So, consciously forgive yourself, cultivate compassion for yourself and others, and move forward. Work on detoxifying your body and constantly learning and educating yourself and others about detoxification and real health. Understand that your health is your most valuable asset, and detoxification, in our day and age, is the most profound thing you can do for your health.

And understand: this isn’t really about detox; it’s about everything: detox, your diet, lifestyle, environment, purpose in life, etc. and living a life of integrity and alignment, where your purpose is aligned with your beliefs, your health, your diet, your work, your relationships, where you live, etc. The reason I feel strongly about this is because I genuinely and seriously think this is the most relevant and important matter for everyone to be aware of, and it is why the whole human race is in tatters. It is a major reason, if not the main reason, why us humans are killing each other everyday, fighting pointless, childish wars, having so much aggression, constantly being tormented by emotions like jealousy, hate, anger, and anxiety, having problems like poverty, racism, addictions, getting sick and dying far before our time, and wasting our lives seeking the approval of others and chasing money, degrees, credentials, jobs, and other stupid shit that doesn’t mean anything and offers no true lasting value to others.

Things like detox, diet, and health may not sound cool, sexy, or fun. Instead of learning and writing about health, I’d rather spend my time having threesomes, and learning and writing about sexual ecstasy and giving and receiving multiple orgasms, and spend the rest of my life doing that. But, everything seemed to always tie back to my health, and, whenever I deviated from this path, I was always pulled back to it. And what I ultimately found out is this: no matter how much money we make, how religious we are, how much love we have in our relationships, how much sex we have, how many sexual partners we have, how much we travel the world, how successful we think our career is, how many degrees we have and what school we went to, how much we exercise, how much yoga and meditation we do, and how spiritual we like to think we are…true happiness, fulfillment and meaning, at the deepest levels, are not possible, unless we are truly and deeply healthy.

Disclaimer: none of the information above was intended as medical advice. You should always consult with your wife, your husband, your mom, or your local healer before making any health decisions.

And, I would like to apologize (not really) for my excessive use of profanity in this and other articles. I know some of you secretly enjoy it while others find it very hard to swallow. But, it’s not really me who wrote any of this. I am possessed by a higher spirit that writes through me, and, whatever it wants to say, is what you will hear. So, deal with it.

There are many details that I will add to this page soon, along with references to useful supporting studies, recipes, and other juicy stuff. This is still mostly just a draft, so be sure to check back later for updates, or subscribe. I’m currently working on The Superman Diet book and video course, and will be releasing them soon, so you can subscribe to also receive an update from me whenever they are released or whenever I publish anything new. 
For now, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me. And, if you’re interested in working with me, check out my coaching programYou can also follow me on Instagram.

Detox SCAM part 1

The Detox SCAM 

** From  a post on Curezone.org 



Alexander Bloom



The fact that we have toxins and organisms living inside our bodies that we are trying to “detoxify”, to most people, will sound absolutely insane, and you can’t really fault or blame them for thinking that you are “weird” or crazy, because, let’s be honest, this is not the most easily believable thing in the world.

You have to see things from others’ point of view to spare yourself a great deal of pain and heartache. Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood.
So, expect to be thought of as crazy or stupid by most people around you, just actively embrace and welcome it, and keep marching onward.  Progress is not measured in what people understand or like.

Understand: from now until the end of time, there will always be arguments and debates about things like detox and diet, with labels like “myth”, “scam,” “fad,” and such. 
No matter how much research has been done and  many books are written, you can always find a counter-argument for everything about anything in life. The incessant need and urge to waste our time constantly arguing against everything that challenges our opinion, “debunking” myths and criticizing or judging others on places like forum discussions with blog and YouTube comments, rather than use our time doing something more meaningful, pleasurable, profitable or useful, is a huge sign of a toxic, deficient brain.

You can listen to these arguments and mere opinions all day long, from now until Doomsday, and you will never find a right answer that satisfies you. You cannot intellectualize your way into health and into certainty about these matters. You will have to experience things yourself, directly, firsthand, for a long enough period of time, with an open mind and a willingness to admit that you may not have been right all along.

Matthew 6:33. But — You my disciples have more important business to employ your minds about, and have higher hopes to encourage you. Therefore seek ye first — That is, in the first place, and with the greatest earnestness and concern, as being the principal things, the kingdom of God — As described Romans 14:17, namely, that God, reigning in your heart, may fill it with the holiness above described, and the happiness consequent thereon; and, in order thereto, his righteousness — Not your own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness of God by faith. Compare Romans 10:3; Php 3:9. For it seems most natural to interpret the expression of that way of becoming righteous which the gospel proposes, and by which alone we can be put in possession of the kingdom of God on earth, or in heaven.

And all these things shall be added unto you — For if you seek, as now directed, the kingdom of God, first and principally, all things pertaining to this life shall, in the course of the divine providence, be bestowed on you as far as they can contribute to your real welfare, and more you would not desire.

Only then will you have the clarity and certainty about what to do and the ability to really transform your life, otherwise you’ll just be a slave to what the next doctor/expert/blogger/guru has to say, and you’ll never achieve any real success.  

Let your experience be the judge. Everything that I am grateful for and have deeply changed my life, is constantly being called a scam by someone else, and if I was to listen to everyone who had an opinion, I would’ve been so far gone by now.

And understand: “They” would much rather see “experts” who will advocate natural healing, eating fruits and vegetables, fruit smoothies, cutting-edge blenders, and new kinds of organic coffee, and see us occupy ourselves with politics and gossip and religion and going to church, than see someone who will question the toxins like aluminum that are falling down on us from the sky in the forms of chemtrails, the heavy metals like mercury we’re now being almost forced to get from vaccines, and the other toxins that are causing our children to become autistic and causing most of our unbearable mental health problems that didn’t exist a few decades ago, the presence of which is not only being actively allowed but actually almost enforced by “them.”
Sadly, living in this world has become like being forced to eat food that will make our shit stink, only to later on be punished because our shit stinks.

Cultivating Compassion

Now that you know that you have truly been afflicted by this, the first thing to do is to cultivate compassion, for yourself and others.

As you start to detoxify and observe the changes that will start happen to your mental health and your outlook on life, you will start to realize how disturbed your life was, and how all of your actions and behaviors were mostly driven and governed by a toxic and unhealthy brain. Once you truly understand that, you will realize this: everybody, your previous self included, is fucked up. And to be able to internalize this belief will liberate you from so much heartache and emotional baggage. You will no longer get angry or mad at people or hold grudges, and you will have compassion for them and truly understand why they do all the seemingly inexplicable shit they do. It will be much easier for you to forgive anybody who you think has wronged or hurt you or caused damage to your life, in any way. Because, in truth, most people are indeed messed up and are controlled by emotions and thoughts that are created by a toxic brain and body; most people are not truly and fully in control of their actions and emotions, and are simply reacting to the state of turmoil that is going on inside their bodies.

As I went through my own detox, and started to help other people with detoxifying their bodies, I realized how much damage heavy metals and other toxins can do to people and their spirits, and how most people are just living in the hell of their own toxic minds. If there’s one emotion that should be felt towards them, it would be absolute compassion, not anger, resentment, contempt, hate, disgust, frustration or bitterness.

I couldn’t begin to imagine how damaged, disturbed, toxic, and screwed up someone can be, for them to do such things. And for us to keep judging them and looking down on them, makes us just as “bad” as them. We do not know for certain, that, if we lived in their heads and went through the same circumstances they did, we wouldn’t have done what they did. We probably would’ve turned out far worse. Many, if not most, if not all, of the people who are suffering in prisons, did not commit any crimes at all. The crimes were committed through them, by the demons of toxicity and mental illness. And the same goes for people who committed suicide and who are locked in mental institutions. Most of them are just victims of a toxic world and a mentally disturbing diet.

And the same goes for you: all the stupid and fucked up shit that you have done in your past that you still can’t get over or forgive yourself for, realize that it truly isn’t your fault; you were doing the best you could with your capabilities, your energy, and your health, and if you could’ve done better, you would’ve. This is not to give you an excuse to keep doing the same things you aren’t proud of, but I’ve seen how much damage self-hate can do to us and the people around us, and the first step to change, is to give yourself a break.

I personally believe that nobody wants to fail or put themselves in a position of chronic guilt or shame, but bad health and toxicity can, truly, emotionally and spiritually imprison us, and block us from being who we truly are and want to be, from reaching our fullest potential in life.