17 June 2015

a Pale shade of Hell?

The truth is that there is not a paler shade of Hell  - in fact it was not created for humans...  Hell was for the Devil and all the rebellious angels{demons} who followed him! BTW: there is an end to Hell  after the final judgement - which is the outer darkness of Eternal Isolation !   Which is forever folks....

Humans end up there because they either do not want to change from the sinful life they live  {Sin separates us from the presence of Almighty God!}  Thus when people do not repent {change} from their sinful life it is therefore are not possible to enter the presence of God!  They actually send themselves to Hell!  

Be that the case it is imperative that we humans seek the face of God so that we can repent and then accept the forgiveness - Christ performed over 2000 years ago...
 Because He did for us what you could not do for yourself! 

It is learn, pray praise and then perform - accept the Grace of God to clear you eternal sinful slate!  

Every form of communication and/or human interaction should be utilized for the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST - Amen! 

 The Bible says everything under Heaven belongs to Him.  EVERY Christian should be an evangelist, no exceptions. 

 By using Facebook or blogs which are more than socializing. If you're a real Christian, you should have much higher obligations on this Earth than socializing. 

People are flooding into Hell every moment. We need to get more serious.
Many people will end up spending eternity in HELL, because Christians seem  too busy trying to WIN a popularity contest.

 Many will stand before the LORD with blood on their hands for not telling the truth because they were afraid of mankind. 

I'm NOT afraid of mankind.  If you don't like me or my words, or do not read my posts or just delete me.

  We need to stop trying to be "liked" and just start being Warriors who share to allow people to be saved.

***  People need to do what is right {truthful} and let popular try to catch up!