25 August 2015

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or as it has been called lately, Chronic Immune Dysfunction Syndrome.

Thank God for Flora-Balance!
by J.J.

I started the candida protocol with Flora Balance mid December after is was highly recommended by a good friend. I knew I had candida but have been overwhelmed with the idea of doing the candida cleanse as everyone knows it just doesn't work and it's a big commitment.

Within hours of starting with Flora Balance, I was feeling what they said I would, "dye off'"and I knew that was amazing as normally with the diet it can take 2 weeks to feel that the candida is dying. I knew I was onto a good thing. I have followed the candida diet also and haven't found it that hard. Why? Because between Flora Balance and the diet I feel so amazing that the desire to feel good overcomes any desire to go off the protocol.

What's different for me. First, my acne that I have had since a teen, (I took antibiotics for this for a year and that was the start of candida for me), has 100% cleared up for the first time in 30 some years. I look younger, yesterday someone said I look 35 but I am 49. I have lost 20 pounds which has been near to impossible for me. I work out 6 days a week, now I do a dvd, swim and ride a bike and dont' feel tired from it, before I would be wiped out for hours, I think I am actually getting addicted to exercising, which isn't a bad addiction is it? I don't have any smell, I use a natural deoderant and my female parts have no smell. But most of all it's an energy thing. I have so much more energy and stamina and I just feel "well' for the first time in 30 years..

I was seeing a naturepath for my health and I had lab tests done before I started and 3 months later and she said, she had never seen anyone improve to this level (from the lab results) in such a short time!

It's an amazing product and John who does the emails and man's the phone is so helpful and knowledgeable and patient with questions.